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Array Fertility

Increasing fertility in men : tips and tricks

Written by The Plusbaby Team

Tips and tricks to increase fertility in men

Visit fertility male is a concern for many couples wishing to conceive a child. child. Fortunately, there are ways to significantly improve this fertility by modifying one's lifestyle or by providing nutrients essential for healthy sperm. In this article, we'll explore different methods that can help men to increase their fertility.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Lifestyle has a significant impact on the reproductive health of individuals, especially men. Here are a few measures that can help improve sperm quality:

Exercise regularly

L’exercice physique régulier joue un rôle crucial dans l’amélioration de la male fertility, agissant sur divers fronts biologiques. Les activités physiques, particulièrement celles d’intensité modérée à élevée, favorisent l’augmentation de la testostérone sérique, hormone clé de la régulation de la spermatogenèse. De plus, l’exercice contribue à améliorer la circulation sanguine dans l’ensemble du corps, y compris les organes reproducteurs, facilitant ainsi la production et la qualité des spermatozoïdes. Les études suggèrent également que l’exercice physique peut réduire le stress oxydatif au sein du système reproducteur, un facteur lié à l’amélioration de la motilité et de la morphologie spermatique.

Stop smoking

L’arrêt du tabac est fortement recommandé pour les individus cherchant à améliorer leur fertilité. La nicotine et les autres substances toxiques présentes dans les cigarettes, le vapotage, et le snus ont des effets délétères sur la qualité du sperme, notamment en réduisant la concentration, la motilité et en augmentant les anomalies morphologiques des spermatozoïdes. Ces substances interfèrent également avec l’axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-gonadique, perturbant la sécrétion des hormones nécessaires à la régulation de la spermatogenèse. De plus, la nicotine peut entraîner une vasoconstriction, diminuant le flux sanguin vers les testicules et affectant négativement la production de spermatozoïdes.

Reducing alcohol consumption

Reducing alcohol consumption is essential for those seeking to optimize their fertility. Alcohol, even in moderate quantities, can have a negative impact on reproductive health, leading to reduced testosterone production and impaired spermatogenesis. Alcohol's effects on the endocrine system also lead to a reduction in sperm quality and quantity, compromising the ability of the male to conceive fertilization. Studies show that abstinence or strict limitation of alcohol consumption can lead to a significant improvement in seminal parameters, underlining the importance of moderating consumption to maintain optimal reproductive function

Getting enough sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial to male fertility, directly affecting sperm quality and quantity. Sleep deprivation or alteration can unbalance reproductive regulatory hormones, such as testosterone, and increase oxidative stress, thus adversely affecting sperm health. Research indicates that maintaining a regular, quality sleep routine can improve seminal parameters, underlining the importance of sufficient night-time rest for reproductive health.

Eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet

Good nutrition can have a positive impact on men's sexual health and improve sperm quality and quantity. Here are some essential nutrients:


This mineral plays a crucial role in sperm development and mobility. Zinc is found in a variety of foods, including oysters, red meats, legumes and nuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s are involved in a number of biological processes and also have an impact on sperm health. They can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and anchovies, as well as in chia and flax seeds.

Vitamins C and E

Ces deux vitamins ont des propriétés antioxydantes, ce qui les rend essentielles pour protéger les spermatozoïdes contre les dommages causés par les radicaux libres. Les fruits et légumes sont d’excellentes sources de vitamin C, while vitamin E is found mainly in vegetable oils, seeds and nuts.


Folates (vitamin B9) are involved in DNA production and are therefore crucial to sperm formation. They are found in leafy green vegetables, lentils, liver and avocados.

Food supplements to support male fertility

A varied, balanced diet is essential to provide all the nutrients needed for reproductive health, certain food supplements can be an additional help:

Folate 5-MTHF

5-MTHF folate (5-methyltetrahydrofolate), the biologically active form of vitamin B9, is essential for male reproductive health. It plays a crucial role in cell division and DNA synthesis, including sperm production. Folate deficiency can lead to a drop in sperm concentration and an increase in chromosomal abnormalities in sperm, thus reducing fertility. 5-MTHF supplementation improves DNA methylation and is associated with an increase in sperm quality and quantity, promoting better reproductive health.


Selenium is an essential trace element that supports male fertility by helping to protect against oxidative stress, a factor known to damage sperm DNA. It also plays a role in testosterone synthesis and the formation of healthy sperm. Adequate levels of selenium are associated with improved sperm motility, increased sperm concentration and reduced sperm DNA damage, contributing to better fertility.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, influences male fertility through its role in calcium metabolism and the regulation of testosterone levels. Receptors for vitamin D present in the testicles, sperm and pituitary gland suggest its importance in reproductive function and sperm production. Adequate levels of vitamin D3 are correlated with better sperm quality, including improved sperm concentration, motility and morphology, as well as increased serum testosterone levels


Arginine is an amino acid that plays a role in the production of nitric oxide, a vasodilator important for male reproductive health. It promotes blood flow to the reproductive organs, improving erectile function and sperm quality. Studies have shown that arginine supplementation can increase sperm concentration and motility in men with low sperm motility, contributing to better fertility.


Visit L-carnitine, naturellement produite dans le corps, est cruciale pour le transport des acides gras vers les mitochondries, où ils sont convertis en énergie. Pour la fertilité masculine, elle est particulièrement importante dans les testicules, où elle aide à maintenir un environnement énergétique optimal pour la spermatogenèse et la maturation des spermatozoïdes. La supplémentation en L-carnitine a été liée à une amélioration de la motilité des spermatozoïdes et à une augmentation de la concentration spermatique, améliorant potentiellement les chances de conception.


Taurine, another important amino acid, acts as a powerful antioxidant and is involved in several cellular processes, including spermatogenesis. It helps protect sperm against oxidative damage and stabilizes the sperm membrane, which is essential for sperm viability. Taurine is associated with improved sperm quality, particularly in terms of motility and viability

Coenzyme Q10 (Q10)

Visit coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that plays a key role in cellular energy production and protection against oxidative stress. In the context of male fertility, th Q10 contributes to improving sperm quality, notably by increasing sperm motility and density. Its role in protecting against oxidative damage to spermatozoa, supporting their integrity and functionality. CoQ10 supplementation has been linked to significant improvements in sperm parameters in men suffering froinfertilitya promising therapeutic strategy for improving male fertility rates.


Zinc is an essential mineral that influences male fertility in several crucial ways. It is involved in the regulation of testosterone, the main male sex hormone, and plays a role in DNA synthesis and cell division, processes fundamental to spermatogenesis. Zinc deficiency can lead to reduced testosterone production and impaired sperm quality, including reduced sperm count, motility and viability. Zinc supplementation has been shown to improve these parameters, underlining its importance in maintaining optimal reproductive function in men

Each of these nutrients plays a specific and complementary role in supporting male fertility, acting through different mechanisms to improve sperm quality and function.

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Omega 3

Omega-3 fatty acids, in particular EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are recognized for their beneficial effects on general health, including male fertility. Their action on fertility is exerted through several key biological mechanisms, including modulation of inflammation, improvement of sperm quality, and effect on sex hormones

The reduced inflammation resulting from omega-3 consumption may improve reproductive health by reducing the risk of conditions that can affect fertility, such as urogenital tract infections. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 contribute to a better environment for sperm development in the testicles

The direct impact of omega-3s on sperm quality is perhaps the most studied aspect of their role in male fertility. Research indicates that these fatty acids can improve sperm parameters, including sperm concentration, motility and morphology. This is due, in part, to their ability to integrate cell membranes, improving sperm membrane fluidity and function. This structural modification can potentially increase sperm's ability to survive in the female reproductive tract and fertilize an egg.

Omega-3s also have a modulating effect on sex hormones, indirectly influencing male fertility. They can help regulate the ratio of estrogens to androgens, favoring a hormonal balance conducive to optimal sperm production and maturation

Taken together, these findings support the idea that omega-3 fatty acids have significant potential to improve male fertility

Managing stress and emotional health

Stress has a negative impact on sperm production and can reduce the libido. It is therefore essential to learn how to manage stress and take care of your emotional health:


Regular meditation practice promotes a state of relaxation and well-being, helping to reduce stress levels


Support from loved ones and communication with your partner can all help you manage stress in your daily life

Professional secondment

It's important to find a balance between your professional and personal life, to preserve your physical and emotional health

The impact of the environment and toxins on male fertility

Exposure to certain chemical and environmental substances can have a significant negative effect on male fertility. Studies have shown that endocrine disruptors, such as Bisphenol A (BPA), found in many plastics, can mimic or interfere with the body's hormonal system, affecting sperm production and quality. Similarly, occupational or daily exposure to heavy metals such as lead and mercury is linked to reduced fertility. Men are advised to minimize their exposure to these substances by adopting prudent behaviors, such as using BPA-free food containers and wearing personal protective equipment when necessary

The importance of regular medical check-ups

Regular medical check-ups play a crucial role in maintaining male fertility. These visits not only monitor general health, but also enable early detection of any conditions affecting fertility, such as varicocele, infection or hormonal imbalance. Regular semen analysis can also provide valuable information on sperm quality and quantity, helping to identify problems that may affect the chances of conception

Relaxation techniques and stress management

Psychological stress is known to have a negative impact on fertility. Implementing relaxation techniques, such as guided meditation, tai chi, or deep relaxation sessions, can help reduce stress and therefore support better fertility. Regular practice of these activities promotes a state of mental and physical well-being, essential for maintaining optimal reproductive function.

Reduced exposure to heat

Temperature plays an important role in sperm production. Prolonged exposure to heat, whether through hot baths, using laptops directly on the knees, or wearing tight-fitting clothing, can increase scrotal temperature and adversely affect spermatogenesis. Loose-fitting clothing and limited exposure to direct heat sources are recommended to promote better sperm quality.


In conclusion, improving male fertility passe par une approche globale, mêlant exercice physique, alimentation saine, compléments alimentaires ciblés, et gestion du stress. En adoptant ces bonnes pratiques, les hommes pourront accroître leur capacité à concevoir un enfant et profiter pleinement de leur vie de couple.




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