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Fertility food supplement for women

Visit fertility fรฉminine, un sujet complexe et multi-facettes, est influencรฉe par divers facteurs, notamment la nutrition. L’importance des complรฉments alimentaires, tels que le Q10 et l’arginine, est cruciale dans ce contexte. Ces nutriments jouent un rรดle significatif dans la santรฉ reproductive et peuvent amรฉliorer la fertilitรฉ. De plus, la sociรฉtรฉ Plusbaby se positionne comme un acteur clรฉ dans ce domaine, offrant des complรฉments spรฉcifiquement formulรฉs pour soutenir la fertilitรฉ fรฉminine. Leur engagement dans la recherche et le dรฉveloppement de produits adaptรฉs aux besoins spรฉcifiques des femmes souligne l’importance croissante de la supplรฉmentation dans la gestion de la fertilitรฉ. Dรฉcouvrez notre Food supplements fertility woman

Understanding female fertility

Female fertility is a complex issue, deeply rooted in a subtle interaction between biological, environmental and nutritional factors. Scientifically, age is a major determinant, with fertility declining progressively over time. Hormonal imbalances, often linked to conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, can also influence fertility.

Sur le plan nutritionnel, une alimentation riche en nutriments essentiels est primordiale. Les vitamines (comme les vitamines B, en particulier l’acide folique, la vitamin D et la vitamine E) et les minรฉraux (tels que le zinc, le iron et le sรฉlรฉnium) jouent un rรดle crucial dans le maintien de la santรฉ reproductive. Les acides gras omรฉga-3, reconnus pour leur effet sur l’รฉquilibre hormonal et la qualitรฉ des ovules, sont รฉgalement importants.

Food supplements, when used judiciously, can help to make up for nutritional deficiencies and support the reproductive system. However, it is essential to approach them with a scientific and medical understanding, taking into account recommended doses, possible interactions and their overall impact on health.

Finally, fertility is also influenced by lifestyle factors such as stress, physical exercise and body weight, all of which have a significant impact on hormonal balance and overall reproductive health.

The role of vitamins and minerals in female fertility

Essential vitamins and minerals

Des vitamines comme la vitamine C, D et B12 jouent un rรดle crucial dans la fertilitรฉ fรฉminine. La vitamine C est connue pour son impact sur la qualitรฉ de l’ovule et le systรจme immunitaire, tandis que la vitamin D est essentielle pour l’รฉquilibre hormonal. La vitamine B12, quant ร  elle, est vitale pour la formation de l’ADN et la santรฉ reproductive. Des minรฉraux tels que le zinc et le fer sont รฉgalement importants, le zinc รฉtant liรฉ ร  la qualitรฉ du sperme et le fer ร  la prรฉvention de l’anรฉmie, un facteur de fertilitรฉ.

Role of Coenzyme Q10 (Q10)

Q10, a powerful antioxidant, is known to improve egg quality and quantity. Research suggests that Q10 can increase fertility and is particularly beneficial for women over 35.

Des recherches rรฉcentes sur PubMed ont mis en lumiรจre l’importance du Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) dans la fertilitรฉ fรฉminine. Une รฉtude systรฉmatique et une mรฉta-analyse des essais contrรดlรฉs randomisรฉs ont รฉvaluรฉ l’effet de la supplรฉmentation en CoQ10 sur les taux de pregnancy clinique chez les femmes infertiles suivant des procรฉdures de technologie de reproduction assistรฉe (ART). Il a รฉtรฉ constatรฉ que la supplรฉmentation en CoQ10 entraรฎne une augmentation significative des taux de grossesse clinique par rapport ร  un placebo ou ร  l’absence de traitement. Cette รฉtude suggรจre que le CoQ10 pourrait jouer un rรดle bรฉnรฉfique dans la fertilitรฉ fรฉminine, notamment en amรฉliorant la rรฉponse ovarienne et la qualitรฉ des ovocytes, en particulier chez les femmes avec une rรฉponse ovarienne faible ou un syndrome des ovaires polykystiquesโ€‹โ€‹.

Une autre รฉtude a examinรฉ l’impact du CoQ10 sur la fonction mitochondriale des ovocytes et la fertilitรฉ pendant le vieillissement reproductif. Il a รฉtรฉ observรฉ que la capacitรฉ reproductive fรฉminine diminue fortement avec l’รขge, principalement en raison d’une baisse de la qualitรฉ et de la quantitรฉ des ovocytes. Cette baisse de la qualitรฉ des ovocytes est associรฉe ร  une dysfonction mitochondriale. Le traitement avec CoQ10 a montrรฉ des rรฉsultats positifs en inversant le dรฉclin liรฉ ร  l’รขge de la qualitรฉ et de la quantitรฉ des ovocytes, suggรฉrant ainsi que des performances mitochondriales altรฉrรฉes dues ร  une disponibilitรฉ sous-optimale en CoQ10 peuvent entraรฎner des dรฉficits oocytaires liรฉs ร  l’รขge et provoquer l’infertilityโ€‹โ€‹.

These studies provide important insights into the potential role of supplements such as CoQ10 in the management of female fertility, particularly with regard to improving oocyte quality and ovarian response. For more details on this research, please consult the following links:

  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32641244/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26111777/

Arginine and female fertility

The amino acid arginine plays a role in blood circulation to the reproductive organs, which is essential for healthy ovarian function and egg quality.

Folate 5-MTHF

Folate, particularly in its active form 5-MTHF, is essential for the prevention of birth defects and for a healthy pregnancy. It is crucial for DNA synthesis and cell repair.

Impact of deficiencies

Les carences en vitamines et minรฉraux peuvent entraรฎner divers problรจmes de fertilitรฉ, comme une ovulation irrรฉguliรจre, une mauvaise qualitรฉ des ovules et des spermatozoรฏdes, et peuvent augmenter le risque de fausse couche. Une supplรฉmentation adรฉquate peut aider ร  prรฉvenir ces problรจmes et amรฉliorer les chances de conception.

Each nutrient plays a specific and complementary role in supporting reproductive health, underlining the importance of a holistic approach to fertility management.

Plusbaby's approach to fertility supplements

Plusbaby stands out in the field of food supplements dedicated to female fertility through its commitment to natural, high-quality products. The company is dedicated to providing holistic supplementation solutions, based on rigorous scientific research, to support women's reproductive health. Plusbaby offers a range of carefully formulated products, including +fertiwomen, +maca and +omega 3 vegan vegan DHA, chacun conรงu pour rรฉpondre ร  des besoins spรฉcifiques en matiรจre de fertilitรฉ fรฉminine. Chaque produit est conรงu pour rรฉpondre ร  des besoins spรฉcifiques de la santรฉ reproductive fรฉminine, en s’appuyant sur des recherches approfondies et des principes de nutrition optimale.

Focus on Plusbaby fertility products

Plusbaby products are designed to support women's fertility in a holistic way.

+fertiwomen : This supplement is specially formulated for women seeking to improve their fertility. It includes ingredients such as Q10 and arginine, plus other essential vitamins such as vitamin C, D and B12. Q10 is known to improve egg quality and mitochondrial health, while arginine promotes blood flow to the reproductive organs. Together, these ingredients create an environment conducive to fertility.


+maca : Visit maca, un ingrรฉdient clรฉ de +maca, est apprรฉciรฉe pour ses propriรฉtรฉs adaptogรจnes, jouant un rรดle crucial dans l’รฉquilibre hormonal tant chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Chez les femmes, elle peut amรฉliorer la qualitรฉ des ovules et influencer positivement la fertilitรฉ gรฉnรฉrale. Pour les hommes, la maca est reconnue pour son potentiel ร  amรฉliorer la qualitรฉ du sperme, notamment en termes de mobilitรฉ et de volume. Cet effet est particuliรจrement bรฉnรฉfique pour les couples cherchant ร  concevoir, car la santรฉ reproductive de l’homme est tout aussi importante que celle de la femme. La maca, en contribuant ร  une meilleure fertilitรฉ masculine, complรจte ainsi l’approche holistique de Plusbaby en matiรจre de soutien ร  la fertilitรฉ du couple.


+omega 3 vegan DHA : Omega-3 fatty acids, and specifically DHA, are essential for reproductive health. They contribute to a healthy nervous system and can improve the quality of the endometrium, which is crucial for successful embryo implantation.


By offering a comprehensive range of nutrients and essential elements, these products demonstrate Plusbaby's commitment to an integrated, science-based approach to supporting fertility. By targeting the specific needs of both women and men, Plusbaby facilitates a holistic approach to reproductive health. The inclusion of ingredients such as Q10, arginine and maca, in addition to omega-3 fatty acids, ensures that the key factors influencing fertility are fully addressed. This makes Plusbaby a valuable partner for couples looking to optimise their reproductive health and increase their chances of conceiving.

Nutritional requirements during preconception and pregnancy

During the preconception and pregnancy periods, women's nutritional needs change significantly. An increased intake of certain vitamins and minerals, such as folate, iron, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids, is crucial. Folate is particularly important in preventing neural tube defects in the foetus. Plusbaby products designed for this period provide these essential nutrients. For example, +fertiwomen includes specific vitamins and minerals to support reproductive health before conception and during pregnancy, helping to meet these increased nutritional needs.

Lifestyle factors and fertility

Lifestyle has a significant impact on fertility. A balanced diet, regular exercise and good stress management play a key role in maintaining reproductive health. A diet rich in essential nutrients, moderate physical activity and stress reduction techniques such as yoga or meditation can improve fertility. Plusbaby supplements can be integrated into this healthy lifestyle. For example, taking +fertiwomen can complement a balanced diet, while +maca can be used to support hormonal balance, and vegan omega-3 DHA to improve overall health. By combining a healthy lifestyle with the right supplements, the chances of conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy can be optimised.

Scientific and medical research on food supplements and fertility

Studies on maca root and its impact on fertility.

Recent research into the effects of maca (Lepidium meyenii) indicates that it can have a positive impact on female fertility. A study published in "Maturitas" in 2016 examined the effectiveness of maca in improving sperm quality. Although this study focused on men, the results are encouraging for overall fertility in couples.

Another study presented in "Food Function" in 2020 discussed the medicinal effects of Peruvian maca, highlighting its potential benefits in terms of regulating sexual dysfunction, neuroprotective effects, and improving memory. Although the study did not focus specifically on female fertility, the general properties of maca, including its effects on sexual and reproductive health, are highlighted.

Further research, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2017, critically examined the reproductive health claims associated with maca. This study provided insight into the emergence of maca on the global market as an alternative remedy to treat reproductive health issues in men and women. The authors highlighted the need for further research to scientifically support these claims.

These studies highlight maca's potential for supporting fertility, while also highlighting the need for more in-depth research to confirm these effects. The links to the studies are as follows:

  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27621241/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31951246/
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28811221/

The role of omega-3 and Coenzyme Q10 in female fertility.

Research into the effects of omega-3 and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) on female fertility is showing promising results.

In the case of omega-3s, one study showed that taking omega-3 supplements was associated with an increased likelihood of conceiving. This study analysed data from 900 women over 2,510 menstrual cycles. Women who took omega-3 supplements were 1.51 times more likely to conceive than those who did not (PMID: 35147198). Another study of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) found that omega-3 supplementation improved the rate of clinical pregnancy in these women (PMID: 36841983). These results suggest that omega-3s may be a modifiable and affordable factor in improving fertility.

Regarding CoQ10, a meta-analysis found that CoQ10 supplementation increased clinical pregnancy rates in infertile women undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures (PMID: 32641244). Another study showed that the age-related decline in oocyte quality and quantity could be reversed by CoQ10 administration, suggesting that impaired mitochondrial performance due to sub-optimal CoQ10 availability may lead to age-related oocyte deficiencies and infertility (PMID: 26111777).

These studies indicate that omega-3s and CoQ10 may play a beneficial role in female fertility, although further research is needed to establish definitive conclusions.

Here are the links to the studies mentioned:

  1. For the study on omega-3 and fertility, which showed that taking omega-3 supplements was associated with an increased likelihood of conceiving : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35147198/
  2. For the study on improving the rate of clinical pregnancies in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) thanks to omega-3 supplementation: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36841983/
  3. With regard to CoQ10, the study showing increased clinical pregnancy rates in infertile women undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32641244/
  4. And the study indicated that the age-related decline in oocyte quality and quantity could be reversed by administering CoQ10 : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26111777/

Conclusion about dietary supplements for women's fertility

Female fertility, a complex and multifactorial subject, can be positively influenced by the judicious use of nutritional supplements. Scientific research suggests that key nutrients such as omega-3, Coenzyme Q10 and maca root play a significant role in improving female fertility. Omega-3, for example, has been associated with an increased likelihood of conception, and CoQ10 has shown positive effects on oocyte quality and pregnancy rates. Maca root has also been studied for its potential effects on fertility, although further research is needed to confirm these effects.

Plusbaby products, such as +fertiwomen, +maca and +omega 3 vegan DHA, embody this scientifically-based approach. They offer a combination of essential nutrients and plant extracts recognised for their positive impact on reproductive health. Plusbaby stands out for its commitment to providing high-quality, natural supplements specifically targeted at the needs of women and couples seeking to improve their fertility.

In conclusion, the integration of specific dietary supplements, supported by scientific research, can be an important approach to improving female fertility. Plusbaby products, with their carefully designed formulation, represent a valuable option for those seeking to optimise their reproductive health.