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Anti-nausea tea during pregnancy

Visit pregnancy est un moment extraordinaire marquรฉ par des transformations et des dรฉfis uniques, notamment les morning sickness. Pour de nombreuses femmes enceintes, trouver des solutions naturelles pour soulager ces dรฉsagrรฉments est une prioritรฉ. Les tisanes anti-nausรฉes offrent une approche douce et naturelle, en harmonie avec les besoins spรฉcifiques du corps pendant la grossesse. Ce texte explorera les diffรฉrentes options de tisanes sรปres et efficaces, leurs ingrรฉdients clรฉs comme le gingembre et la menthe poivrรฉe, et fournira des conseils pratiques pour les intรฉgrer sereinement dans la routine quotidienne des futures mamans.

Safe teas during pregnancy

Durant la grossesse, le choix de tisanes sรปres est crucial pour la santรฉ de la mรจre et du baby. Des options comme le gingembre, la menthe poivrรฉe et la camomille sont privilรฉgiรฉes pour leurs propriรฉtรฉs digestives et apaisantes. Le gingembre, reconnu pour ses vertus anti-nausรฉeuses, est particuliรจrement bรฉnรฉfique en cas de nausรฉes matinales. La menthe poivrรฉe, avec son effet rafraรฎchissant, aide ร  soulager les maux d’estomac et les ballonnements. La camomille, connue pour ses propriรฉtรฉs calmantes, est idรฉale pour apaiser le systรจme digestif.

It is essential to avoid caffeineThis is because it can affect blood circulation and the foetus's heart rate. Similarly, certain herbs such as sage or rosemary, often used in herbal teas, may be contraindicated due to their effects on hormones or blood pressure. Pregnant women should opt for herbal teas specially designed for pregnancy, which exclude these potentially harmful ingredients.

In conclusion, choosing the right herbal teas during pregnancy is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of both mother and baby. Herbal teas made with ginger, peppermint and camomile offer safe, natural alternatives for relieving digestive problems and nausea, while avoiding the risks associated with caffeine and certain medicinal herbs.


Causes of morning sickness

Les nausรฉes matinales pendant la grossesse sont un phรฉnomรจne complexe, influencรฉ par divers facteurs physiologiques et hormonaux. L’une des causes principales est le dรฉsรฉquilibre hormonal, en particulier l’augmentation des niveaux de l’hormone HCG (gonadotrophine chorionique humaine), produite aprรจs la conception. Cette hormone, nรฉcessaire au maintien de la grossesse, est souvent associรฉe aux nausรฉes et aux vomissements, particuliรจrement durant le premier trimestre.

Hormonal changes can also affect the digestive system, slowing down digestion and increasing the risk of nausea. The stomach and intestines, influenced by these hormones, can become more sensitive, leading to feelings of discomfort after eating. In addition, increased sensitivity to smells, common during pregnancy, can trigger nausea in response to certain aromas or foods.

Gastrointestinal problems, such as gastro-oesophageal reflux or bloating, can also contribute to morning sickness. These problems are exacerbated by anatomical and physiological changes during pregnancy, such as the increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to the growth of the uterus.

En outre, des facteurs psychologiques, comme le stress ou l’anxiรฉtรฉ, peuvent aggraver les nausรฉes. La gestion du stress et une power supply รฉquilibrรฉe peuvent aider ร  attรฉnuer ces symptรดmes.

In addition, many pregnant women experience heightened sensitivity to smells and tastes, which can trigger nausea.

In short, morning sickness is caused by a complex combination of hormonal, digestive and psychological factors. Understanding these mechanisms allows us to adopt appropriate strategies to manage them, such as adopting a suitable diet, relaxation, and using natural remedies such as certain herbal teas specifically designed for pregnancy.


Preventing morning sickness during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period of profound physiological changes, often accompanied by morning sickness.. These inconveniencesAlthough frequent, they can be reduced by dietary and behavioural measures and the use of natural remedies.

Balanced, fractionated nutrition

Regulation of blood sugar levels is essential to prevent nausea. A balanced diet, rich in nutrients and low in heavy fats and fast sugars, is recommended. Small portions eaten regularly throughout the day help to keep blood sugar levels stable, reducing the risk of nausea. Foods rich in fibre and protein promote slow, stable digestion, contributing to greater gastric comfort.

Rest and stress management

La fatigue et le stress exacerbent souvent les symptรดmes de nausea. Un repos suffisant et une bonne hygiรจne de sommeil sont primordiaux. Techniques de relaxation, comme le yoga prรฉnatal ou la mรฉditation, peuvent aider ร  gรฉrer le stress et amรฉliorer la qualitรฉ du sommeil.

Use of natural remedies

Medicinal herbal teas, particularly those made with ginger or peppermint, are renowned for their anti-nausea properties. Ginger, a natural antiemetic, helps to soothe the stomach and prevent feelings of discomfort. Peppermint, meanwhile, helps to relax stomach muscles and aid digestion. We recommend that you consume these herbal teas in the recommended doses and after consulting a health professional to make sure they are safe.

Moisturizing and avoiding certain irritants

Adequate hydration is essential for digestive well-being. Drinking liquids in small quantities throughout the day can help prevent dehydration, which is often linked to nausea. It is also advisable to avoid spicy, acidic or strong-smelling foods, which can cause nausea.

In summary, morning sickness during pregnancy can be alleviated by a combination of a balanced, portioned diet, sufficient rest, the use of natural remedies and good hydration. However, it is essential to consult a health professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Caffeine and theine

Caffeine and theine consumption should be limited during pregnancy. These stimulants can cross the placental barrier and affect the foetus. Caffeine-free alternatives, such as herbal teas, are recommended. It is advisable to choose herbal teas that are specific to pregnancy and free from certain potentially harmful herbs.

Studying the effects of caffeine consumption during pregnancy revealed significant associations with several adverse pregnancy outcomes. A literature review examined 48 original studies and meta-analyses on maternal caffeine consumption published over the last two decades. The review found that of 42 sets of results, 32 indicated an increased risk associated with caffeine and 10 suggested inconclusive or non-existent associations. A caffeine-related increased risk was reported with moderate to elevated consistency for all pregnancy outcomes except preterm birth. Among 11 studies reporting 17 meta-analyses, unanimity was found among 14 analyses indicating that maternal caffeine intake is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight and/or low weight for gestational age, and acute childhood leukaemia.

Another review specifically studied the impact of maternal caffeine consumption on the foetus. This review indicates that caffeine consumption during pregnancy has significant effects on human foetal development, increasing foetal respiration rates and heart rate, but possibly leading to reduced growth and lower birth weight. Although caffeine does not affect the length of gestation or cause high blood pressure, it does increase uterine contractions, which could potentially lead to miscarriage. In some cases, it even contributes to the development of pre-eclampsia in the later stages of pregnancy. However, the data on the association between caffeine consumption and the risk of birth defects remain inconclusive.

These studies suggest that caffeine consumption during pregnancy may be associated with risks for foetal development and pregnancy outcomes. Women who are pregnant or considering pregnancy are advised to avoid caffeine, taking into account current recommendations based on available scientific evidence.

Caffeine and pregnancy

Caffeine, found in coffee, certain teas and soft drinks, can present risks during pregnancy. It has been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight. Medical authorities recommend limiting caffeine consumption to around 200 mg per day during pregnancy. It is essential to monitor caffeine intake from all sources to stay within this recommended limit. Opting for caffeine-free teas is a sensible alternative to avoid the potential risks associated with caffeine.

Caffeine is a stimulant found in many foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks and chocolate. Although caffeine can have stimulating effects on adults, it can pose potential risks for pregnancy and breastfeeding due to its effects on the foetus and the infant.


Peppermint is renowned for its carminative and antispasmodic properties, which help relieve stomach upset and nausea. It works by relaxing the smooth muscles of the stomach, reducing spasms and bloating. Its essential oil contains menthol, a component that helps to calm the stomach. It contains no caffeine or theine.


Ginger, known for its digestive and anti-nausea properties, is an effective natural remedy for morning sickness. It contains compounds such as gingerol and shogaol, which have positive effects on the digestive system and can help reduce nausea. Incorporating fresh ginger into the diet, for example in the form of herbal tea or added to dishes, is a sure way to reap its benefits. Ginger is caffeine- and theine-free.

Anti-nausea tea from Plusbaby

Anti-nausea tea from Plusbaby has been specially formulated to reduce the symptoms of morning sickness and digestive problems during pregnancy.

Morning sickness and digestive problems are common during pregnancy, and this herbal tea offers a natural solution to relieve them. It contains a blend of medicinal herbs, including chopped ginger root and peppermint leaves, known for their soothing properties on the stomach.

Like breastfeeding tea, Plusbaby Anti-nausea tea is caffeine-free, making it safe for use during pregnancy. It can be drunk up to four cups a day, providing welcome relief for expectant mums.

Use: To prepare this herbal tea, pour boiling water over a sachet and leave to infuse for 5 to 10 minutes. We recommend drinking this tea as soon as you feel nausea coming on, and also as a preventive measure.

Other safe anti-nausea teas

As well as peppermint and ginger, other herbal teas can be beneficial and safe for pregnant women:

Chamomile : Soothing and relaxing, it helps relieve digestive disorders and nausea. However, use in moderation.

Fennel : Known for its digestive properties, fennel can reduce bloating and gas.

Rooibos : Caffeine-free, rooibos is rich in antioxidants and can help calm nausea.

Lime : Soothing and relaxing, it is often used to relieve stress and promote restful sleep.

Verbena : It is recognized for its calming properties on the nervous system and can help relieve nausea.

Plusbaby breastfeeding teaspecially designed to aid digestion and relieve colic in infants, contains ingredients such as fennel and verbena. Fennel is appreciated for its digestive properties, helping to reduce bloating and gas. Vervain is known for its calming effects on the nervous system. Together, these ingredients form an effective combination to support both mum and baby during the breastfeeding period.



In conclusion, although pregnancy is a time of great joy, it can also be accompanied by challenges such as morning sickness and digestive problems. Fortunately, there are safe, natural solutions. Herbal teas, with their carefully selected ingredients such as ginger, peppermint and other beneficial herbs, offer natural and effective relief from these discomforts.

Plusbaby, aware of the specific needs of pregnant women, has developed a range of herbal teas specially formulated for pregnancy. Our Anti-nausea tea is a perfect example of our commitment to providing natural, safe and effective products for mums-to-be. Each sachet is designed to offer gentle and effective relief, without the risks associated with caffeine or other potentially harmful ingredients.

We invite all pregnant women to discover our Anti-nausea tea from Plusbaby, as well as our full range of products for this wonderful time of life. Visit our website for more information and to order our products, designed to support you throughout your pregnancy and beyond. At Plusbaby, we are dedicated to supporting you and your baby's well-being with our natural, quality products.