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Fertility food supplement

In the journey towards parenthood, the fertility joue un rรดle central. Plusbaby, conscient de cette importance, soutient les couples avec une gamme de complรฉments alimentaires vรฉganes conรงus pour amรฉliorer la fertilitรฉ et la santรฉ prรฉnatale. Basรฉs sur des recherches scientifiques et mรฉdicales avancรฉes, nos produits sont formulรฉs avec des ingrรฉdients de haute qualitรฉ, sans colorants, additifs, ni conservateurs, assurant ainsi une approche naturelle et efficace. Dรฉcouvrez notre Food supplements fertilitรฉ. 

Plusbaby and Fertility

At Plusbaby, we understand that every aspect of fertility is crucial. Our supplements, such as +fertimen for men and +fertiwomen for women, are specifically formulated to address the distinct fertility needs of both sexes.

The Plusbaby Supplements difference

Optimised bioavailability and targeted formulation for effective assimilation and reduced side effects

Plusbaby food supplements are distinguished by their unique formulation, designed to maximize bioavailability and assimilation while minimizing undesirable side effects. This rigorously scientific approach, implemented by doctors specializing in gynecology and obstetrics, guarantees that every vitamin and minerals chosen for our supplements are highly bioavailable. This means the nutrients are more easily absorbed and utilized by the body, optimizing their effectiveness.

In addition, the careful selection of ingredients ensures that the nutrients present in our dietary supplements are well tolerated, reducing the risk of side effects. This feature is essential, especially during the delicate period of preconception, pregnancy and lactation. pregnancy and postnatal care, where the health of mother and child is paramount. Plusbaby is committed to offering products of the highest quality, based on sound science, to effectively support fertility and prenatal health.

The +ferti range for men and women and Coenzyme Q10

The Coenzyme Q10commonly known as Q10, plays a crucial role in both male and female fertility, which is why it is a key component of +fertimen and +fertiwomen de Plusbaby. Chez les hommes, le Q10 contribue ร  amรฉliorer la qualitรฉ et la mobilitรฉ des spermatozoรฏdes. Ce nutriment agit comme un puissant antioxydant, protรฉgeant les spermatozoรฏdes des dommages oxydatifs, amรฉliorant ainsi leur vitalitรฉ et augmentant les chances de fertilization rรฉussie. En outre, il joue un rรดle essentiel dans la production d’รฉnergie au niveau cellulaire, ce qui est fondamental pour la spermatogenรจse.

For women, Q10 is just as important. It is involved in egg maturation and ovarian health. As we age, the amount of CoQ10 in the ovaries tends to decline, which can affect egg quality. Q10 supplementation, like that found in +fertiwomen, can therefore help maintain good egg quality, a key factor in increasing the chances of conception and healthy pregnancy. What's more, Q10 helps regulate the biochemical processes essential for a healthy ovulation regular and balanced.

A medical study systematically reviewed and meta-analysed the effects of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supplementation on fertility outcomes in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures. This study, available on PubMed, focused on the impact of CoQ10 on clinical pregnancy rates, live birth rates and miscarriage rates. It concluded that oral CoQ10 supplementation could increase clinical pregnancy rates in infertile women undergoing ART, without significantly affecting live birth or miscarriage rates.

Another study on Q10 and male fertility found an overall improvement in sperm parameters. Robust, well-designed trials of individual and combined antioxidant therapies are needed to guide clinical practice. This meta-analysis is available on PubMed.

By incorporating Coenzyme Q10 into +fertimen and +fertiwomen supplements, Plusbaby aims to provide comprehensive support to improve fertility in men and women, targeting crucial aspects of reproductive health and maximising the chances of successful conception.

Optimise your fertility with our Plusbaby +ferti game

The +fertimen and +fertiwomen range is recommended for couples planning to become pregnant spontaneously or via in vitro fertilisation (IVF) because of the presence of specific nutrients that play a crucial role in fertility.

For +fertimen (Men):

  1. Folic Acid (Folate 5-MTHF bioavailable)This highly bioavailable folate is essential for reducing the effects of environmental pollutants on fertility, lowering the risk ofinfertility and support a healthy pregnancy.
  2. SeleniumContributes to sperm quality and normal spermatogenesis, while protecting cells against oxidative stress.
  3. Vegan vitamin D3Plays a role in cell division and is necessary for normal bone growth and development.
  4. Vitamin EImproves sperm quality by protecting against oxidative stress and is associated with increased fertility.
  5. L-ArginineImproves sperm quality and motility, while promoting blood flow to the genitals.
  6. L-CarnitineProtects spermatozoa from oxidative damage and improves their quality.
  7. Coenzyme Q10Improves sperm parameters and acts as a powerful antioxidant.
  8. Vitamin B12Plays a role in cell division and ensures balanced sex hormones.
  9. Vitamin CAn antioxidant essential for boosting fertility and improving sperm quality.
  10. ZincImportant for sperm and testosterone production, and plays a role in cell division.

For +fertiwomen (Woman):

  1. Folic acid (bioavailable Folate 5-MTHF)Reduces the risk of infertility, supports maternal tissue growth during pregnancy and prevents neural tube defects in the foetus.
  2. Selenium, Vegan Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, L-Arginine, Coenzyme Q10These nutrients, similar to those in +fertimen, also contribute to female fertility, by improving egg quality, blood flow to the genitals and protecting against oxidative stress.
  3. ZincEssential for female fertility and cell division.
  4. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12These vitamins play a crucial role in energy metabolism, hormone regulation and cell division, all of which are essential for fertility and a healthy pregnancy.
  5. Vitamin CIncreases hormone levels in women, regulates menstruation and stimulates fertility.
  6. Calcium and MagnesiumPlay a role in cell division and specialisation, essential for embryonic and foetal development.
  7. Vegan vitamin D3 : Important for hormonal regulation and uterine health, contributing to improved uterine receptivity for embryo implantation.
  8. Iron (Ferrous bisglycinate) : Plays a crucial role in preventing anaemia and promoting good ovarian and uterine health.
  9. Arginine : Promotes blood flow to the genitals and ovaries, which is beneficial for egg quality and overall fertility.


These ingredients are chosen for their ability to improve essential fertility parameters in both men and women. By optimising reproductive health through these nutrients, couples considering spontaneous pregnancy or IVF can potentially improve their chances of successful treatment.


+maca: Peruvian ginseng for libido and fertility

+maca, rich in Macais a supplement designed to increase libido and fertility in men and women. It supports vitality and overall reproductive health.


Why Maca root?

La racine de maca, un ingrรฉdient principal du complรฉment +maca, est trรจs bรฉnรฉfique pour les hommes et les femmes dรฉsirant un child, principalement pour les raisons suivantes :

  1. Hormonal balance Maca: Maca helps to balance hormonal imbalances in men and women without directly producing hormones. This ability to help the body regulate its hormonal balance is essential for fertility.
  2. Fertility in Men Studies have shown that maca stimulates testosterone secretion in men. It also helps to improve sperm production, sperm motility and sperm volume, making men more fertile.
  3. Fertility in Women Maca stimulates female hormone production, which is essential for pregnancy.
  4. Libido and Sexual Desire Maca: Known for its aphrodisiac properties, maca improves libido and sexual desire in both men and women. It is effective against various sexual disorders and can also combat certain causes of low libido, such as stress, anxiety or depression.
  5. Safety & Quality The +maca supplement is formulated with high-quality ingredients, without artificial additives, and is suitable for vegans.


In short, maca root offers a natural and comprehensive approach to improving fertility and sexual health in both men and women, making it an excellent choice for couples wanting to conceive a child.

+omega 3 vegan DHA: Omega 3 for Fertility

+omega 3 vegan DHAThe new, algae-based formula provides essential fatty acids for both men and women. It is specially designed to support fertility and is beneficial during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Why DHA-rich vegan omega?

DHA-rich vegan omega 3, like the one presented in Plusbaby's +omega 3 vegan DHA food supplement, offers a number of benefits for men and women who want to have a baby:

  1. Foetal development: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is crucial for the normal development of the foetus' brain and eyes. Consumption of DHA by the mother makes a positive contribution to these aspects of prenatal development.
  2. Cognitive and Visual Health: DHA is a major component of cell membranes, particularly in the brain and retina. It plays an essential role in maintaining cognitive function and visual acuity, both for adults and for the development of foetuses and breast-fed children.
  3. Fertility support: Omega 3, particularly DHA, is beneficial to the reproductive health of both men and women. It helps to regulate hormones and improve egg and sperm quality.
  4. Quality and Safety: This supplement is formulated without milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, soya, peanuts, yeast, wheat, gluten, maize, sodium, sugar, starch, colourings, preservatives or artificial flavourings, making it suitable for a wide variety of diets, including vegan.
  5. Sustainable source: DHA oil is extracted from microalgae using an ecological process, without chemicals, making it a sustainable and environmentally-friendly option.


Ces propriรฉtรฉs font de l’omรฉga 3 vรฉgan riche en DHA un complรฉment alimentaire idรฉal pour les couples cherchant ร  amรฉliorer leur fertilitรฉ et ร  soutenir le dรฉveloppement sain de leur futur baby.

Importance of nutrients in fertility

Food supplements play a vital role in providing key nutrients for fertility. Vitamins such as vitamin C and D, and minerals such as zinc and selenium, are essential for maintaining a healthy hormonal balance and protecting reproductive cells.

The role of vitamins and hormones

Proper supplementation can help regulate hormones, improve the quality of the cervical mucus in women, and increase sperm quality in men. The antioxidants contained in vitamins protect reproductive cells from oxidative damage.

Menstrual cycle management and fertility

Supplements such as +fertiwomen help regulate the menstrual cycleThis helps create an environment conducive to conception. Nutrients such as magnesium and calcium play a role in regulating menstrual cycles.

Impact of excess weight on fertility

Being overweight can have a negative effect on fertility. Food supplements, combined with a balanced diet and exercise, can help manage weight and improve the chances of conception.

For couples considering IVF

Supplements such as +fertiwomen and +fertimen can support couples considering in vitro fertilisation, by improving the quality of oocytes and sperm.

Balanced diet and supplements

Dietary supplements should be accompanied by a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Plusbaby offers a range of products suitable for every stage of fertility, pregnancy and beyond.

Plusbaby tips

PlusBaby strongly advises couples wishing to conceive to take a trio of food supplements specifically formulated to optimise fertility.

For a woman trying to conceive, PlusBaby recommends a supplement routine that includes the Omega 3 Vegan DHA et le +Maca, en plus de la multivitamine spรฉcialement conรงue pour la fertilitรฉ, +Fertiwomen. Le Omega 3 Vegan DHA est essentiel pour le dรฉveloppement neurologique et visuel du fล“tus, et joue รฉgalement un rรดle crucial dans le maintien de la santรฉ cognitive et visuelle de la mรจre. Le +Maca aide ร  รฉquilibrer les hormones et ร  amรฉliorer la fertilitรฉ fรฉminine. La multivitamine +Fertiwomen est formulรฉe pour rรฉpondre aux besoins spรฉcifiques des femmes en matiรจre de fertilitรฉ, fournissant des nutriments essentiels pour soutenir une reproduction saine.

Pour un homme cherchant ร  amรฉliorer sa fertilitรฉ, PlusBaby suggรจre de prendre le Omega 3 Vegan DHA et le +Maca, accompagnรฉs de la multivitamine +Fertimen. Le Omega 3 Vegan DHA contribue ร  la santรฉ cognitive et visuelle, et est bรฉnรฉfique pour la qualitรฉ du sperme. Le +Maca est connu pour ses effets positifs sur la libido et l’รฉquilibre hormonal, contribuant ainsi ร  une meilleure fertilitรฉ masculine. +Fertimen, spรฉcialement conรงu pour les besoins masculins, fournit des nutriments vitaux qui soutiennent la production et la qualitรฉ du sperme, jouant un rรดle crucial dans la santรฉ reproductive masculine.

This comprehensive, targeted approach aims to maximise the chances of conception and the healthy development of the unborn child.


With Plusbaby, take advantage of products designed to support your journey to parenthood. Our comprehensive range of vegan food supplements is formulated to meet specific fertility needs, offering natural and effective support at every stage of the journey.