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Breastfeeding food supplement

L’allaitement est une pรฉriode essentielle et dรฉlicate dans la vie d’une mรจre et de son baby, oรน les besoins nutritionnels sont particuliรจrement รฉlevรฉs. Plusbaby, spรฉcialisรฉ dans le soutien ร  la prรฉconception, la pregnancy et la pรฉriode postnatale, offre une gamme de complรฉments alimentaires entiรจrement vรฉgans, sans colorants ni additifs, pour le bien-รชtre et la santรฉ de la maman et du bรฉbรฉ. Ces produits, dรฉveloppรฉs selon les derniรจres recherches scientifiques et mรฉdicales, garantissent une qualitรฉ optimale et une grande biodisponibilitรฉ des nutriments, assurant ainsi une lactation saine et une rรฉcupรฉration optimale aprรจs l’accouchement.

The importance of nutrients during breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, mum's need for nutrients such as vitamins, calcium and omega fatty acids increases. Plusbaby offers products such as +mumour multivitamins for breastfeeding, and +omega 3 vegandesigned to meet these essential needs. These supplements provide the essential nutrients needed to produce rich, nutritious breast milk and maintain the mother's health.

The role of supplements in milk production

Mums can sometimes face challenges such as insufficient milk production or difficulties with lactation. Plusbaby breastfeeding tea, with its blend of medicinal herbs, stimulates lactation and aids digestion, also relieving colic in infants. These natural ingredients, such as fennel and fenugreek, are recommended to strengthen mum after giving birth and ensure abundant lactation.

The benefits of omega fatty acids and other nutrients

The +omega 3 vegan de Plusbaby, riche en DHA ร  base d’algues, est crucial pour le dรฉveloppement neurologique du bรฉbรฉ. Ces acides gras, ainsi que les vitamines D et l’acide folique, jouent un rรดle essentiel dans la santรฉ de la mรจre et le dรฉveloppement sain de l’enfant, contribuant ร  la santรฉ cognitive et visuelle du nourrissonโ€‹โ€‹.


The importance of DHA-rich omega-3 during breastfeeding

L’omรฉga 3, notamment le DHA (acide docosahexaรฉnoรฏque), est un composant nutritionnel vital pendant l’allaitement. Le DHA est essentiel pour le dรฉveloppement du cerveau et des yeux du nourrisson, jouant un rรดle clรฉ dans leur croissance cognitive et visuelle. Pour les mamans allaitantes, un apport adรฉquat en DHA est crucial, car le DHA du lait maternel est directement liรฉ ร  l’alimentation de la mรจre. C’est lร  que notre produit +omega 3 vegan de Plusbaby intervient. Conรงu spรฉcifiquement pour les besoins des femmes pendant la grossesse et l’allaitement, +omega 3 vegan fournit une source riche et vรฉgane d’acides gras omรฉga 3. Ce complรฉment garantit que les mamans allaitantes disposent des niveaux optimaux de DHA nรฉcessaires pour soutenir le dรฉveloppement sain de leur bรฉbรฉ. En choisissant +omega 3 vegan riche en DHA, les mamans peuvent รชtre assurรฉes qu’elles fournissent ร  leur child le meilleur dรฉpart possible, grรขce ร  un produit de haute qualitรฉ, conรงu en tenant compte de leurs besoins uniques et de ceux de leur bรฉbรฉโ€‹โ€‹.

Choosing the right food supplement for breastfeeding

Choosing the right supplements for breastfeeding is vital. Plusbaby offers products such as +mumwhich contain specific nutrients essential for maternal and infant well-being. Our herbal teas, in addition to supplements, are beneficial for promoting relaxation and supporting milk production, providing a more comfortable and effective routine for breastfeeding mums.

The crucial role of 5-MTHF folate during breastfeeding and the superior quality of +mum

5-MTHF folate plays an essential role in the health of mothers during the breastfeeding period. This most bioavailable and active form of folate is crucial for DNA synthesis and cell division, ensuring healthy development of the baby even after birth. It is particularly important during breastfeeding, as it contributes to the production of breast milk rich in essential nutrients, supporting the infant's growth and development. Aware of its importance, at Plusbaby we have opted for 5-MTHF folate rather than standard folic acid in our +mum product. This choice reflects our commitment to providing the best ingredients for the well-being of mums and their babies. The 5-MTHF folate in +mum ensures maximum absorption and effectiveness, ensuring that mums receive the highest quality nutritional support during this crucial phase of motherhood.

Continuing vitamin supplementation after breastfeeding

Mรชme aprรจs l’arrรชt de l’allaitement, la supplรฉmentation en vitamines reste un aspect crucial pour la santรฉ de la maman. Des mรฉdecins spรฉcialistes FMH en gynรฉcologie et obstรฉtrique recommandent de continuer la supplรฉmentation avec des produits comme +mum pendant une pรฉriode รฉquivalente ร  celle de l’allaitement. Cette pratique aide ร  rรฉtablir les rรฉserves de nutriments de la mรจre, qui peuvent รชtre considรฉrablement diminuรฉes aprรจs la pรฉriode d’allaitement. Prenons l’exemple d’une maman qui a allaitรฉ pendant six mois. Il est conseillรฉ qu’elle continue ร  prendre +mum pendant six mois supplรฉmentaires aprรจs la fin de l’allaitement. Cela garantit que son corps reรงoit les vitamines et minรฉraux nรฉcessaires pour se remettre de la pรฉriode d’allaitement et maintenir son propre bien-รชtre. Ce suivi aide ร  รฉquilibrer les niveaux de vitamines et minรฉraux, tels que le iron et le calcium, qui sont essentiels pour sa santรฉ ร  long terme, et assure une transition en douceur vers une routine quotidienne post-allaitement.

The role of hormones and medicinal plants in breastfeeding

Hormones such as prolactin and oxytocin play a crucial role in breastfeeding. Prolactin stimulates milk production, while oxytocin encourages milk to be expelled. Supplements such as Plusbaby lactation tea contain herbal ingredients such as fennel, aniseed and cumin, which are known for their properties in stimulating milk production and aiding milk secretion. These herbal teas also offer additional benefits, such as reducing colic in infants and improving maternal digestion, thereby strengthening the bond between mother and child during feedings.

Managing physical and emotional well-being during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can also be emotionally and physically challenging. Natural solutions, such as the use of breast pumps, can help mums to manage milk production and storage, particularly during periods of engorgement or when mums return to work. In addition, the practice of relaxation, supported by soothing herbal teas and gentle exercises, can help manage stress and promote a calmer breastfeeding experience. Supplements such as +mum help maintain a high level of energy and vitality, essential for mothers who are breastfeeding and coping with the demands of motherhood.

Swiss breastfeeding recommendations

The Swiss recommendations on breastfeeding are in line with those of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and are supported by the Swiss health authorities, such as the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Here are the key points of these recommendations:

  1. Exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months: It is recommended that babies should be exclusively breastfed with breast milk for the first six months of life. Exclusive breastfeeding means that the baby receives only breast milk, with no other liquids or solids, including water.
  2. Gradual introduction of solid foods : After six months, while continuing to breastfeed, it is advisable to gradually introduce appropriate complementary foods. This transition should be gradual and adapted to the child's rhythm, while continuing to breastfeed until the child is two years old or more, depending on the child's needs and the mother's wishes.
  3. Importance of Colostrum : Colostrum, the first milk produced immediately after birth, is extremely beneficial for newborn babies. Rich in antibodies and nutrients, it plays a crucial role in protecting the infant against infection and contributes to its early development.
  4. Skin to skin contact : Skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth and for the first few weeks is strongly encouraged. This contact encourages breastfeeding, strengthens the mother-child bond and helps to stabilise the newborn physiologically.
  5. Breastfeeding support : The Swiss authorities stress the importance of support for breastfeeding, whether through health services, the workplace or the community. This support includes information and advice on breastfeeding techniques and how to overcome any difficulties.
  6. Flexibility and Personal Choice : Although breastfeeding is recommended, it is also recognised that each situation is unique. Decisions about breastfeeding must be respected, whether the choice is to breastfeed, to use infant formula, or a combination of the two.

These recommendations aim to promote the health and well-being of infants and their mothers, recognising the importance of breastfeeding while respecting personal choices and individual situations.

Foods and drinks not recommended during breastfeeding

Pendant l’allaitement, il est important pour les mamans de suivre une power supply รฉquilibrรฉe et nutritive pour assurer leur santรฉ et celle de leur bรฉbรฉ. Cependant, certaines nourritures et boissons sont gรฉnรฉralement dรฉconseillรฉes ou doivent รชtre consommรฉes avec prudence :


  1. Alcohol : It is advisable to avoid alcohol while breast-feeding. Alcohol can pass into breast milk and affect the baby. If alcohol consumption is unavoidable, it is advisable to wait a few hours before breast-feeding.
  2. Caffeine : Caffeine, which is present in coffee, tea, certain soft drinks and chocolate, can also pass into breast milk. Excessive caffeine consumption can make the baby agitated or disrupt his sleep. It is advisable to limit caffeine consumption.
  3. Certain fish : Although fish is a good source of omega-3 and protein, certain fish with a high mercury content should be avoided or limited. These include shark, swordfish, marlin and tilefish. Fish such as salmon, trout and herring are generally considered safe and beneficial.
  4. Very spicy or strong-tasting foods: Some babies may be sensitive to very spicy or strong-tasting foods eaten by their mothers. If the baby seems irritable or has digestive problems after breastfeeding, it may be useful to examine the diet.
  5. Dairy products (in certain cases) : Si le bรฉbรฉ prรฉsente des signes dโ€™allergie ou dโ€™intolรฉrance (comme des coliques, de lโ€™eczรฉma ou des troubles digestifs), il peut รชtre conseillรฉ de limiter ou dโ€™รฉviter les produits laitiers dans lโ€™alimentation maternelle.
  6. Potential allergens : If there are food allergies in the family, certain common allergens such as nuts, soya or eggs could potentially affect the baby.


It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice on feeding while breastfeeding, especially if there are specific concerns about the baby's health.

Additional considerations for breastfeeding mothers

In addition to taking supplements, maintaining a balanced diet rich in proteins, fruit and vegetables is crucial. It is also important to consult a health professional before starting any supplementation regime, particularly if you have a specific medical condition or are taking medication.

As well as taking supplements, it is crucial for breastfeeding mums to maintain a balanced diet rich in protein, fruit and vegetables, and to stay properly hydrated. It's also important to talk to a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regime, especially if the mother is already taking other medication or has specific medical conditions.

Breastfeeding is a crucial stage for both mum and baby

L’allaitement est une pรฉriode fondamentale pour la santรฉ et le dรฉveloppement du bรฉbรฉ, ainsi que pour le bien-รชtre de la maman. Un complรฉment alimentaire adaptรฉ ร  l’allaitement peut grandement contribuer ร  cette รฉtape, en fournissant les nutriments nรฉcessaires pour une lactation saine et un allaitement rรฉussi. En choisissant le bon complรฉment et en suivant une alimentation รฉquilibrรฉe, les mamans peuvent assurer le meilleur dรฉpart possible pour leurs bรฉbรฉs.