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Fertility Supplement for Men

Improves Men's Fertility and Reproductive Health
fertility food supplement for men
fertility food supplement for men

+fertimen for Male Fertility

fertility food supplement for men


Formulated to improve your design chances by helping to :

+maca for Libido and Fertility

fertility food supplement for men


Formulated to improve your design chances by helping to :

+fertimen Autres produits

Optimize your Fertility

Increase your Libido

Ingredients 100% natural

Formulated by Swiss Doctors

Contains CoQ10 for sperm quality    

Contains folate 5-MTHF to improve your fertility

What's inside +fertimen?

Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10, or coenzyme Q10, plays a crucial role in your fertility by improving mitochondrial function, which increases sperm production and quality. As a powerful antioxidant, CoQ10 protects your sperm cells from oxidative damage, promoting their mobility and viability. It also helps maintain good testicular health and can improve the results of assisted fertility treatments. CoQ10 supplementation is therefore beneficial for optimizing your fertility and increasing your chances of conception.


Arginine is an essential amino acid found in protein-rich foods. It improves your fertility by increasing blood flow to your reproductive organs, which promotes optimal sperm production. In addition, arginine improves sperm quality by increasing sperm mobility and viability. It also stimulates your libido by improving blood circulation.


Carnitinean essential amino acid for your fertility. It improves the mobility and quality of your sperm by increasing energy production at cellular level. L-carnitine also protects your sperm cells from oxidative damage, contributing to their viability. By promoting better mitochondrial health, it helps optimize your reproductive function and increase your chances of conception.


Taurine is an amino acid that plays a key role in your fertility by protecting your sperm cells from oxidative damage and improving their motility and viability. By increasing energy production in the cells, taurine contributes to better sperm quality and optimal reproductive function. It also helps regulate oxidative stress, which is crucial for maintaining good testicular health and supporting your fertility.

What's inside +maca?

Simply and purely, top-quality Peruvian Maca root. It helps balance your hormones and improve sperm production, increasing your chances of conception. What's more, Maca stimulates your libido and energy levels, giving you a natural boost for better performance. Its adaptogenic properties help your body manage stress, which is crucial for maintaining fertility. Often compared to a famous drug for its positive effects on sexual function and libido, Maca is a natural and effective choice for improving your sex life and intimacy.

Why choose a natural food supplement for women's fertility?

Choosing Plusbaby's natural fertility supplements offers several advantages:

Scientifically backed formulas

Plusbaby products are formulated on the basis of the latest scientific research This ensures that you receive the most effective and up-to-date support for your reproductive health.

Natural and safe

Plusbaby supplements are 100 % natural, vegan and free from artificial colors, additives and preservatives. They are also free from common allergens such as dairy products, eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, soy, peanuts, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, sodium, sugar and starch. For example, vitamin D3, often derived from animal sources (sheep's wool), has been replaced by a form extracted from algae.

Expertise you can trust

All our products are developed or selected by Certified Specialist Doctors in Switzerland and backed by scientific research and evidence.

High-quality ingredients

We give priority to the use of highly bioavailable minerals and vitamins, which reduces the risk of undesirable side effects and ensures maximum absorption. For example, our supplements contain 5-MTHF, the active form of folate, known to improve sperm quality.

Full support

Our range of supplements includes prenatal and postnatal vitamins, fertility supplements for men and women, and extra support like Maca for libido. In addition to supplements, Plusbaby offers teas specially formulated to support you during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Our anti-nausea tea provides natural relief from early pregnancy symptoms, while our nursing tea promotes healthy lactation and aids digestion for both mother and baby.

Convenience and reliability

Plusbaby offers a free 24h delivery for all orders.

By choosing Plusbaby, you're opting for a natural, scientifically proven and comprehensive approach to boosting your fertility and supporting your journey to motherhood.

fertility food supplement for men

Understanding male fertility

Sperm quality in men is an important aspect of male fertility, and studies indicate that it tends to decline with age. Although the decline is not as marked as fertility changes in women, there is evidence that sperm quality is affected by aging. This decline in sperm quality with age can lead to a reduction in natural fertility and increase the risk of certain diseases in children.

In addition, it has been observed that children born to older parents are more likely to develop abnormalities such as autism and schizophrenia than those born to younger parents. This information underlines the importance of awareness of the potential effects of age on male fertility.

At the same time, research carried out by Institut Marquès have highlighted a general decline in sperm quality, particularly in industrialized countries. More than half of young Spanish men, for example, have sperm quality below that considered normal by the WHO. Endocrine disruptors, often present in the industrial environment, have been identified as factors contributing to this decline in sperm quality.

It's also important to note that, despite this general trend, assisted reproduction techniques, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), are available to help overcome fertility problems associated with low sperm quality.

On the nutritional front, a diet rich in essential nutrients is just as crucial to male reproductive health. Vitamins (such as vitamin C, D, and E), and minerals (such as zinc and selenium) are vital for maintaining good sperm quality and overall reproductive health. Omega-3 fatty acids are also recognized for their impact on hormonal balance and sperm health.

Appropriate use of dietary supplements for male fertility can help fill nutritional gaps and support reproductive function.

Finally, lifestyle factors such as stress, exercise and body weight also play an important role, affecting hormonal balance and male reproductive health as a whole.

The role of vitamins and minerals in male fertility

01 The role of Coenzyme Q10 (Q10) in fertility

Q10, a powerful antioxidant, is known to improve sperm quality and quantity. Research suggests that Q10 can increase fertility and is particularly beneficial for men over 35.

Recent PubMed searches have highlighted the importance of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in male fertility. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials evaluated the effect of CoQ10 supplementation on sperm parameters in infertile men. CoQ10 supplementation was found to significantly improve sperm motility and morphology compared to placebo or no treatment. This study suggests that CoQ10 may play a beneficial role in male fertility, notably by improving sperm quality and testicular function, particularly in men with low sperm quality.

Another study examined the impact of CoQ10 on sperm mitochondrial function and fertility during aging. It was observed that male reproductive capacity declines with age, mainly due to a drop in sperm quality and quantity. This decline in quality is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Treatment with CoQ10 showed positive results in reversing the age-related decline in sperm quality, suggesting that impaired mitochondrial performance due to sub-optimal CoQ10 availability can lead to age-related sperm deficits and infertility.

These studies provide important insights into the potential role of supplements such as CoQ10 in male fertility management, particularly with regard to improving sperm quality and testicular function. For more details on this research, please consult the following links:

Effects of Coenzyme Q10 on sperm motility, sperm count, and testosterone in men with idiopathic infertility - PMID: 20485716

Coenzyme Q10 and male infertility: A meta-analysis - PMID: 27082718

02 Essential vitamins and minerals

Vitamins such as vitamin C, D and E play a crucial role in male fertility. Vitamin C, known for its antioxidant role, protects your sperm from free radical damage. Vitamin D is essential for hormonal balance and also influences sperm health. Vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant, is vital for sperm protection. Minerals such as zinc and selenium are also important: zinc plays a major role in sperm production and quality, while selenium is essential for sperm motility. Magnesium is also crucial to many biological processes, including reproduction.

03 Arginine and male fertility

Argininean amino acid, plays an important role in blood circulation to the reproductive organs, which is essential for healthy ovarian function and egg quality.

04 Folate 5-MTHF

Folate, particularly in its active form 5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate), is essential for male fertility. This nutrient plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis and cell repair, processes fundamental to sperm production and health. 5-MTHF is particularly important because it can be used directly by the body, unlike folate in the form of folic acid, which must be converted to its active form, a process that can be inefficient in some people due to mutations in the MTHFR gene. Adequate supplementation with 5-MTHF helps to improve sperm quality and quantity, thereby increasing the chances of conception. In addition to its role in sperm health, 5-MTHF supports healthy immune system function and overall health, which is crucial for maintaining optimal fertility.

What impact do deficiencies have on male fertility?

Reduced fertility

Nutrient deficiencies can significantly impair a man's ability to conceive. For example, low levels of folate (vitamin B9) are associated with increased risk of infertility. Folate is crucial for DNA synthesis and cell division, which are essential for sperm quality and reproductive health. Deficiencies in other key nutrients such as vitamin Dzinc and selenium can also reduce fertility by affecting sperm production, hormonal balance and overall reproductive function.

Decreased sperm motility

Zinc deficiency can lead to decreased sperm motility, reducing their ability to reach and fertilize the egg. Zinc is essential for normal sperm development and maturation. Low zinc levels can lead to reduced sperm quality, impacting male fertility.

Fragmentation of sperm DNA

Deficiencies in antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E can lead to increased fragmentation of sperm DNA. This fragmentation can reduce the chances of conception and increase the risk of pregnancy complications. Antioxidants are essential for protecting spermatozoa from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Increased risk of miscarriage

Adequate levels of nutrients are essential to maintain a healthy pregnancy and support successful conception. Deficiencies in vitamins such as folate and vitamin B12 can increase the risk of miscarriage due to poor sperm quality and genetic abnormalities. Folate, in particular, is essential for proper cell division, and a deficiency can lead to chromosomal abnormalities in sperm.

Mitochondrial dysfunction

Mitochondria, known as the energy powerhouses of cells, play a crucial role in sperm energy production. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) deficiency can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, affecting sperm motility and viability. CoQ10 is an antioxidant that protects sperm cells from oxidative damage and improves their function.

Hormonal imbalance

Deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin D can lead to hormonal imbalance, which can affect testosterone production and spermatogenesis. Vitamin D plays a key role in regulating many hormonal processes, and a deficiency can upset the balance necessary for optimal fertility.

fertility food supplement for men

How to improve male fertility?

1. Follow a balanced diet

Nutrient-rich foods: Eat a diet rich in essential nutrients such as folic acid, iron, vitamin Domega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. These nutrients support reproductive health, sperm quality and quantity. Plusbaby products designed for this period provide these essential nutrients. For example, +fertimen includes specific vitamins and minerals to support reproductive health prior to conception, helping to meet these increased nutritional needs.

Healthy fats: Include healthy fats from sources such as avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil to support hormone production and reproductive health.

2. Choose the best supplements

Specific fertility supplements: Choose scientifically proven supplements that meet the highest quality standards, like +fertimen from Plusbaby. These supplements, certified to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and ISO 22000 standards, provide essential nutrients such as 5MTHF (active folate), CoQ10 and other vital vitamins and minerals that improve male fertility and support reproductive health. They are particularly beneficial during the preconception period to enhance sperm quality.

Regular intake: Take regular fertility supplements to ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to promote rapid conception.

3. Passes regular medical examinations

Gynaecological check-ups: Schedule regular appointments with your doctor to keep an eye on your general and reproductive health and detect any potential problems early. This proactive approach can help maintain your fertility and overall well-being.

Health conditions: Actively manage any underlying health problems such as diabetes, thyroid disorders or other chronic conditions. Good management of these conditions is crucial, as they can significantly affect your fertility.

4. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Regular exercise: Engage in moderate physical activity to maintain a healthy weight and improve your general well-being. Choose sports you enjoy, such as running, soccer, swimming or cycling. Avoid excessive exercise, which can affect your fertility by upsetting the hormonal balance.

Stress management: Incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine, such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises. These activities can help reduce your stress levels, which promotes optimal hormonal balance and improves the quality of your sperm. Don't forget that a balanced lifestyle can increase your chances of conceiving a child.

5. Avoid harmful substances

Smoking and drinking alcohol: Abstain from smoking and minimize alcohol consumption. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can both have an adverse effect on your fertility and sperm count.

Caffeine: Keep your caffeine intake moderate. Excessive caffeine consumption can have a negative impact on your fertility, so it's best to limit your daily intake to one or two cups of coffee.

6. Maintaining a healthy weight

Body mass index (BMI): Strive to maintain a healthy BMI. Both underweight and overweight can have a negative impact on the quality of your sperm. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to keep your weight in a healthy range.

7. Stay hydrated

Sufficient water consumption: Stay well hydrated throughout the day. Good hydration promotes overall health and is essential for optimal reproductive function. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

What are your nutritional needs during design trials?

During periods of conception, your nutritional needs change considerably. It's crucial to increase your intake of certain vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, selenium, vitamins C and E, and omega-3 fatty acids. Zinc, for example, is particularly important for improving sperm quality. To meet these increased nutritional needs, consider using Plusbaby products designed specifically for this period. For example, +fertimen provides the essential vitamins and minerals you need to support your reproductive health before conception.

How can you combine a healthy lifestyle with supplements?

Improve your fertility to increase your chances of conception by combining a healthy lifestyle with the right fertility supplements for men. Incorporate Plusbaby supplements into your daily routine to maximize your efforts. For example, taking +fertimen can dramatically improve your balanced diet and boost your fertility, while +maca can support hormonal balance and increase your libido. This proactive, holistic approach will effectively address all aspects of your reproductive health, boost your fertility and give you the best chance of conceiving a child.

fertility food supplement for men

What scientific and medical research has been done on fertility supplements for women?

Scientific and medical research has made considerable progress in understanding the effectiveness of dietary supplements for male fertility. Several studies have explored the impact of supplements such as Coenzyme Q10 and various amino acids on male reproductive health.

Coenzyme Q10 (Q10)

Effect on sperm quality : CoQ10 is known to improve sperm quality and motility. Studies have shown that CoQ10 supplementation can significantly increase sperm count, motility and morphology in infertile men. For further information, consult this source.

Antioxidant: As an antioxidant, Q10 protects sperm cells from free radical damage, which is crucial for maintaining good reproductive health.

Research Synthesis

This research provides solid scientific evidence on the effectiveness of dietary supplements in improving male fertility. Plusbaby products, such as +maca, and +fertimen, incorporate these key ingredients, reflecting a commitment to evidence-based solutions to support male reproductive health. These products are formulated by Swiss Doctors taking into account the latest advances in male fertility research.

Amino Acids

Arginine: It plays a role in the synthesis of nitric oxide, a key molecule for blood circulation, including in the genitals, which can promote better sperm quality. For further details, see this study.

Carnitine: Recognized for its role in sperm energy metabolism, Carnitine can improve sperm motility. Specific studies can be consulted here.

Taurine: It is involved in several essential cellular processes and can positively influence sperm health.

Folate (5-MTHF)

Folate, especially in its active form, plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis and cell repair, which is essential for the production of healthy sperm. To find out more, read this publication.

Conclusion about dietary supplements for male fertility

Male fertility, a complex and multifactorial subject, can be positively influenced by the judicious use of dietary supplements. Scientific research suggests that key nutrients such as Coenzyme Q10 and maca root play a significant role in improving male fertility. CoQ10 has shown positive effects on sperm quality and conception rates. Maca root has also been studied for its potential effects on fertility.

Plusbaby products, such as +fertiwomen, +maca embody this scientifically-based approach. They offer a combination of essential nutrients and plant extracts recognized for their positive impact on reproductive health. Plusbaby stands out for its commitment to providing high-quality, natural supplements specifically targeted to the needs of women and couples seeking to improve their fertility.

In conclusion, the integration of specific dietary supplements for female fertility, supported by scientific research, can be an important approach to improving female fertility. Plusbaby products, with their carefully designed formulation, represent a valuable option for those seeking to optimize their reproductive health.