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Vitamins to take during pregnancy

Understanding Nutritional Requirements

Comprendre les besoins nutritionnels pendant la pregnancy est crucial pour la santรฉ de la mรจre et le dรฉveloppement optimal du fล“tus. Pendant cette pรฉriode, le corps de la woman subit des changements physiologiques et mรฉtaboliques significatifs, entraรฎnant une augmentation des besoins en nutriments essentiels.

Macronutrients and energy: Energy requirements increase progressively, necessitating an increased intake of macronutrients - carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy, while proteins support foetal, placental and maternal growth. Lipids, particularly essential fatty acids, are vital for the neurological development of the foetus.

Essential micronutrients: Plusieurs micronutriments jouent des rรดles critiques. Le iron est essentiel pour la synthรจse de l’hรฉmoglobine et la prรฉvention de l’anรฉmie. La carence en fer est une prรฉoccupation majeure et peut nรฉcessiter une supplรฉmentation. Le calcium et la vitamin D sont nรฉcessaires pour le dรฉveloppement du squelette fล“tal et le maintien de la santรฉ osseuse maternelle. Le folate, ou folic acid, est impรฉratif pour prรฉvenir les dรฉfauts du tube neural et autres anomalies congรฉnitales.

Vitamins and mineralsVitamins (A, B complex, C, D, E) and minerals (iodine, zinc, selenium) play a variety of roles, from immune function to the prevention of congenital malformations. Particular attention should be paid to fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) because of their ability to accumulate in the body, requiring a precise balance to avoid toxicity.

Water and fluids: Hydration is essential for maintaining blood volume, cellular health and amniotic fluid production. Adequate water intake is fundamental to avoid dehydration and associated complications.

Balanced, personalized diet: A balanced diet including a variety of fruit, vegetables, wholegrain cereals, lean proteins and dairy products (or their alternatives) is recommended. Consultation with a healthcare professional or dietician is crucial in developing a personalised diet plan tailored to individual needs and existing medical conditions.

Supplementation: In some cases, micronutrient supplementation may be required to meet increased nutritional needs. Prenatal supplements are often recommended to ensure an adequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals.

In conclusion, understanding nutritional needs during pregnancy is essential to ensure the health of both mother and foetus. A well-balanced diet, adequate hydration and, if necessary, an appropriate appropriate supplementationare the key to successfully navigating this unique period of life.

La marque Plusbaby, avec ses prenatal vitamins +mum and its omega 3 de source vรฉgan, offre une solution complรจte de vitamines ร  prendre pendant la grossesse et lโ€™allaitement, spรฉcialement conรงues pour rรฉpondre ร  ces besoins. Le produit +mum inclut des nutriments essentiels comme le folate 5-MTHF, la vitamine D3 vรฉgane, et le bisglycinate ferreux, ainsi qu’un รฉventail d’autres vitamines et minรฉraux cruciaux pour la pรฉriode de grossesse et d’allaitement. Cette formulation vise ร  fournir un soutien nutritionnel optimal et adaptรฉ, contribuant ainsi ร  une grossesse saine et au bien-รชtre du nourrisson. Elle devrait รชtre complรฉtรฉe par la prise de +omega 3 riche en DHA.

Increased Vitamin Requirements

Nutritional requirements during pregnancy and breastfeeding are increased by the growth and development of the foetus, as well as physiological changes in the mother.

  • Calcium : Essentiel pour le dรฉveloppement osseux du fล“tus. Une femme pregnant a besoin d’environ 1000-1300 mg/jour. Le calcium prรฉvient รฉgalement la perte de masse osseuse chez la mรจre.
  • Iron Iron: Important for haemoglobin formation. Iron requirements increase to support increased blood volume and foetal development. Ferrous bisglycinate is a well-tolerated form.
  • Vitamin D Crucial for bone health and immunity. Vegan vitamin D3 is suitable for pregnant and breast-feeding women, with a requirement of around 600 IU/day.
  • B vitamins Vitamin B12: Supports the development of the nervous system and helps with energy utilisation. Vitamin B12 is particularly important in preventing anaemia.
  • Folate (5-MTHF) Prevention of neural tube defects. 5-MTHF folate is an active, bioavailable form, recommended at 750 mg/day.
  • Iodine Essential for fetal brain development.
  • Omega-3 Important for fetal brain and visual development.
  • Zinc Plays a role in cell growth and development.
  • Magnesium Helps prevent cramps and supports energy metabolism.


The absorption and metabolism of these nutrients can be affected, making supplementation important. These nutrients, when taken in the recommended doses, can help ensure a healthy pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as promoting the optimal development of the foetus and infant. Supplements like Plusbaby +mum are designed to provide these essential nutrients in easily absorbable and tolerable forms.

Deficiency Risks and Consequences

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies during pregnancy can have serious consequences for both mother and foetus. For example, vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone problems, while folic acid deficiency is linked to neural tube defects. Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia, affecting overall health and well-being. Plusbaby products, in particular +mum, are designed to meet these increased needs, offering a full spectrum of essential nutrients to prevent these deficiencies and support a healthy pregnancy.

Key vitamins and minerals during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding is marked by increased and specific nutritional needs. Particular attention needs to be paid to the intake of essential vitamins and minerals, not only for the mother's health, but also for the optimal development of the foetus and infant.

Folic acid in the form of 5-MTHF folate and the prevention of malformations

Folate, in its biologically active form 5-MTHF, is crucial in preventing neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Unlike synthetic folic acid, 5-MTHF can be used directly by the body without the need for conversion, making it particularly effective. Consumption of 5-MTHF considerably reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the foetus, a vital aspect from the very first weeks of pregnancy.

Vitamin D and Calcium for Bone Development

Vitamin D plays a fundamental role in calcium absorption, essential for foetal bone development and maintaining the mother's bone health. Vitamin D3, particularly in its vegan form, ensures better assimilation of calcium, strengthening bones and preventing disorders such as osteomalacia. Calcium is necessary not only for the formation of the foetal skeleton, but also for regulating muscle contraction and blood coagulation in the mother.

B vitamins (B12, B6, etc.) and their role

B-group vitamins, particularly B12 and B6, are essential for many functions. Vitamin B12 is crucial for the formation of red blood cells and the functioning of the nervous system. A deficiency can lead to anaemia and neurological problems for both mother and child. Vitamin B6, on the other hand, is important for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as for the formation of neurotransmitters.

Importance of vegan vitamin D3

Vegan vitamin D3 is particularly well suited to the needs of pregnant and breastfeeding women, providing an environmentally-friendly source of vitamin D for vegan diets. It provides better bioavailability than non-vegan forms and makes an effective contribution to maternal and foetal health.

Ferrous bisglycinate for iron

Iron bisglycinate is a highly bioavailable form of iron that is better tolerated by the body. It is essential for preventing iron-deficiency anaemia in the mother and promotes the cognitive and physical development of the foetus. Its chelated form minimises the gastrointestinal side effects often associated with iron supplements.

Omega-3, Specifically DHA

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are essential for maternal health and foetal development. Plusbaby +omega 3 vegan DHA, based on Schizochytrium microalgae oil, offers a rich vegan source of DHA and EPA. These fatty acids play a crucial role in the development of the foetus's brain and eyes, as well as in maintaining normal brain function in the mother.

Unlike traditional sources of omega-3 from fish, this vegan formulation guarantees supplementation without common allergens such as soya or gluten, making it suitable for a variety of diets and preferences. The recommended dose of 200 mg of DHA per day helps to effectively cover the increased needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Other Essential Nutrients

In addition to these nutrients, other elements such as magnesium, iodine, zinc and copper play significant roles. Magnesium helps prevent cramps and regulates blood pressure. Iodine is vital for foetal brain development. Zinc and copper are important for the immune system and cell development.

In conclusion, vitamin and mineral supplementation during pregnancy and breastfeeding, particularly with suitable products such as +mum and +omega 3 from Plusbaby, is essential to ensure the mother's health and the child's optimum development.

Plusbaby prenatal vitamins

Plusbaby has designed its prenatal products with the help of FMH specialists in obstetrics and gynaecology, +mum and moreomega 3by meticulously studying vitamins available on the market. This targeted approach has enabled us to develop formulas that are more easily assimilated, thereby reducing the undesirable effects often associated with traditional supplements. These products are the result of in-depth research and close collaboration with medical experts, guaranteeing optimal quality and efficacy for the specific needs of pregnant and breastfeeding women.

+mum, prenatal vitamins for pregnancy and breastfeeding and +omega 3 vegan

Plusbaby +Mum is a complete prenatal vitamin formula, including essential nutrients such as folate 5-MTHF, vegan vitamin D3, and iron bisglycinate. +Omega 3 vegan DHA, derived from microalgae oil, provides omega-3 fatty acids crucial for foetal brain and visual development.

How +mum meets the nutritional needs of pregnancy

+Mum is designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of pregnant women, offering a balance of vitamins and minerals to support the health of the mother and the development of the foetus. Its formula covers common deficiencies and contributes to overall well-being during pregnancy.


How +omega 3 meets Nutritional Needs during Pregnancy

+Omega 3 vegan DHA meets the increased need for DHA during pregnancy, essential for the neural and visual development of the foetus, while being suitable for those following a vegan diet or allergic to seafood.


Instructions for use and precautions

Taking +mum and +omega 3 supplements correctly is essential to maximise their effectiveness and guarantee safety.

+mum: Les supplรฉments +mum doivent รชtre pris conformรฉment aux instructions fournies. Gรฉnรฉralement, ils sont pris une fois par jour, de prรฉfรฉrence avec un repas pour amรฉliorer l’absorption des nutriments liposolubles et rรฉduire les risques de troubles gastro-intestinaux. Il est conseillรฉ de commencer la supplรฉmentation de +mum dรจs le dรฉbut de la grossesse (un pregnancy test confirmรฉ). En prรฉparation ร  une grossesse, nous conseillons la prise de +fertiwomen pour augmenter les chances de concevoir.

+mum comes in capsule form. This choice was made simply because these prenatal vitamins offer superior flexibility, bioavailability and purity, making them particularly suitable for pregnant women or those trying to conceive.

Leur capacitรฉ ร  รชtre ouvertes et mรฉlangรฉes avec de la nourriture ou des boissons les rend plus pratiques, en particulier pour les femmes qui รฉprouvent des difficultรฉs ร  avaler des pilules ou qui souffrent de morning sickness. C’est pour ces raisons que tous les complรฉments alimentaires de Plusbaby sont proposรฉs sous forme de capsules, offrant ainsi une mรฉthode de supplรฉmentation optimale pour les femmes pendant cette phase cruciale de leur vie. Plusbaby s’engage ainsi ร  fournir des produits non seulement efficaces mais aussi faciles ร  consommer, afin de soutenir au mieux la santรฉ et le bien-รชtre des femmes pendant la prรฉconception, la grossesse et au-delร .

+omega 3 vegan DHA: The recommended dosage for +omega 3 vegan DHA should be followed as indicated. These supplements are often taken once a day, with or without food. The important thing is to maintain a daily routine for consistent supplementation.

Medical and scientific research on prenatal vitamins

Current research on prenatal vitamins focuses on the importance of these nutrients for the health of the mother and the optimal development of the foetus. An in-depth study on prenatal supplements analysed and compared the contents of 188 prenatal supplements available on the market, relating them to evidence-based recommendations. This study revealed significant links between the state of maternal and infant health and the levels of certain vitamins.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble antioxidant essential for the growth of most cells and organs, including the eyes, heart and lungs. Low levels of vitamin A during pregnancy are associated with night blindness and anaemia in mothers. For infants born to mothers with lower levels of vitamin A, there is an increased risk of severe vision problems, heart defects, orofacial defects, growth retardation and impaired lung function. Studies have suggested that higher levels of vitamin A supplementation, but not carotenoids, are necessary during pregnancy.

A meta-analysis of 8 studies found that supplementation with vitamin A or beta-carotene significantly improved haemoglobin levels and modestly reduced the risk of anaemia. It is also important to have adequate vitamin A status towards the end of pregnancy to maximise the vitamin A transferred to the foetus, which is essential in preparation for breastfeeding.

Other Nutrients

Current research also highlights the importance of other nutrients such as folate, vitamin B12, vitamin D and vitamins B6, B12 and C during pregnancy. These nutrients play a crucial role in foetal development and maternal health.

En rรฉsumรฉ, l’รฉtat nutritionnel de la mรจre pendant la grossesse a un impact profond sur sa propre santรฉ et celle de son child. Les vitamines prรฉnatales, lorsqu’elles sont choisies et utilisรฉes correctement, peuvent jouer un rรดle clรฉ dans la prรฉvention des carences et la promotion de rรฉsultats de santรฉ optimaux. Ces dรฉcouvertes soulignent l’importance d’une approche personnalisรฉe et basรฉe sur des preuves pour la supplรฉmentation pendant la grossesse.

For more detailed information, please consult the following studies and articles:

Vitamins to take during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of profound transformation, marked by unique and increased nutritional needs. Prenatal supplements, such as +mum and +omega 3 vegan DHA from Plusbaby, play an essential role in providing the nutrients needed to support both the health of the mother and the optimal development of the foetus. Current research highlights the importance of specific nutrients such as folate, vitamin D3, bisglycinate iron and omega-3s, as well as the need for personalised formulations to meet individual needs.

En conclusion, il est crucial pour les femmes enceintes de maintenir un rรฉgime alimentaire รฉquilibrรฉ, de rester bien hydratรฉes, et de choisir des supplรฉments prรฉnataux judicieusement pour optimiser leur santรฉ et celle de leur baby. Comprendre et rรฉpondre aux besoins nutritionnels pendant la grossesse non seulement favorise un dรฉveloppement sain du fล“tus, mais contribue รฉgalement ร  une expรฉrience de grossesse plus confortable et moins risquรฉe pour la mรจre. Plusbaby, avec ses produits innovants et basรฉs sur des preuves, offre des solutions de supplรฉmentation qui rรฉpondent ร  ces critรจres, soutenant les femmes tout au long de cette pรฉriode exceptionnelle de leur vie.