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Coenzyme Q10: What are its health benefits? | Plusbaby

Written by The Plusbaby Team


Coenzyme 10 (CoQ10) is an essential component of fertility and women's overall health.

Research shows that Coenzyme Q10's essential role in cell growth and maintenance offers a host of benefits, including protection against oxidative stress, metabolic support, heart health, fertility and more. Find out more below.

What is coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient present in almost every cell of the body, which has antioxidant effects. Your body manufactures CoQ10, and your cells use it to produce the energy your body needs for cell growth and maintenance. It protects the body from damage caused by harmful molecules.

Coenzyme Q10 is naturally present in small quantities in a wide variety of foods, but levels are particularly high in oranges and strawberries, broccoli and spinach, but also in beef, soya oil, sardines, mackerel and peanuts.

Cells use CoQ10 for energy production, which is necessary for all cellular functions. Coenzyme Q10 is recommended for treating many conditions, including infertility, and can even be useful for things like migraine and heart health.

Coenzyme Q10 tends to decrease with age, which is why it is often recommended for people suffering from various age-related illnesses or for people trying to conceive at an advanced age.

What are the benefits of Coenzyme Q10?

Protects cells from free radical damage
Almost every cell in the body contains Coenzyme Q10. As an antioxidant, CoQ10 helps the body fight unstable molecules that damage other molecules in the cell, known as free radicals. When there are too many free radicals in the body and not enough antioxidants, this can lead to damage in certain parts of the body, including the eggs and sperm. Coenzyme Q10 supplementation is one way to help your body build up antioxidants to protect against free radical damage and ensure that cells continue to grow and change as they should.

Supports metabolism

Not only does Coenzyme Q10 help support the cell membrane and protect against free radicals, it also plays an important role in cellular metabolism. CoQ10 helps to break down cholesterol, sulphur, amino acids and more. These are all important compounds that are essential to the body's normal functions and which, if not properly metabolised, can lead to dangerous and even fatal health problems.

Coenzyme Q10 supports heart health

Research shows that Coenzyme Q10 has been useful in a variety of cardiac conditions such as congestive heart failure, heart disease and post-surgical complications. More specifically, long-term use of CoQ10 in patients suffering from chronic heart failure led to an improvement in symptoms and a reduction in cardiovascular events. Prior supplementation also reduced the need for medication after heart surgery and lowered the risk of developing an irregular post-surgical heart rhythm.

Regulates blood sugar levels in diabetic patients

Coenzyme Q10 has also shown positive effects for diabetic patients, increasing insulin synthesis and secretion and improving overall glycaemic control.

People living with diabetes have a higher risk of developing other health problems. Although only animal studies have been carried out to date, research shows that Coenzyme Q10 supplementation has been associated with a reduction in many related health problems, including diabetic nephropathy, blood vessel damage and peripheral nerve damage.

Coenzyme Q10 reduces oxidative stress

Oxidative stress has an impact on our cells, damaging cellular processes and potentially leading to chronic illnesses such as obesity, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Many theories suggest that this stress can also lead to signs of ageing, including reduced skin elasticity. Research shows that Coenzyme Q10 supplementation can help combat ageing and skin damage by improving sun-damaged skin and having other anti-ageing effects.

It has numerous benefits for fertility

La fertilitรฉ fรฉminine et masculine peut bรฉnรฉficier dโ€™une supplรฉmentation en Coenzyme Q10. Pour celles qui ont une faible qualitรฉ dโ€™ovules ou une rรฉserve ovarienne diminuรฉe, ou pour celles qui luttent contre lโ€™infertilitรฉ masculine (environ 30 ร  40 % des couples infertiles) et une qualitรฉ de sperme diminuรฉe, le CoQ10 peut aider.

It has a positive effect on female fertility

Studies suggest that for women over 35, Coenzyme Q10 supplementation can lead to improved embryo quality and better pregnancy outcomes for women undergoing IVF. Another 2017 study found that higher amounts of CoQ10 in follicular fluid (ovarian fluid) are associated with higher pregnancy rates.

If you're trying to conceive, you should also take a prenatal vitamin. Consider our fertility-boosting vitamin for women, +fertiwomenwhich contains the recommended dose of CoQ10 to increase your chances of conceiving.


Coenzyme Q10 improves egg quality

Female fertility generally begins to decline after the age of 35, mainly because egg quality declines with age. For this reason, some fertility doctors suggest that women over the age of 35 take a Coenzyme Q10 supplement to offset the natural decline that can contribute to lower egg quality. You may be wondering how important egg quality really is, and the answer is very important! No matter how many eggs you have, you generally only ovulate one egg per month, and the chances of having a healthy pregnancy depend on the quality of that egg. Studies have shown that for women over 35, CoQ10 supplementation can improve egg quality, which means a better chance of conceiving and maintaining a viable pregnancy.

It also improves male fertility

Coenzyme Q10 can also be effective in increasing male fertility. A recent study concluded that CoQ10 supplementation had a positive effect on sperm motility, concentration and number. In simpler terms, sperm movement increased, as did total sperm count, giving you a better chance of conceiving. If you want to support male fertility, consider our male fertility booster vitamin, +fertimenwhich contains the recommended dose of CoQ10.


Coenzyme Q10, our conclusion

Coenzyme Q10 improves women's general health and benefits fertility in both men and women. That's why we've added it to our +fertility supplements for men and women.

In a nutshell, Coenzyme Q10:

  • Acts as an antioxidant and contributes to energy production.
  • It is present in almost every cell of the body, and its level decreases with age.
  • Helps improve women's fertility by preventing the decline in egg quality with age, and can promote healthy pregnancy.
  • It can improve sperm health
  • It can improve heart health, provide anti-aging properties, and more.


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