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The ultimate guide to an ovulation test

Written by The Plusbaby Team

You can use an ovulation test to optimize your chances of getting pregnant.

Just before ovulation, it's time to have lots of sex to optimize your chances of getting pregnant. An ovulation test predicts the day of ovulation and helps you find that fertility peak.

De plus, beaucoup de personnes ne connaissent pas le ovulation test, et comment il peut être utile à quiconque, qui essaie ou non d’avoir un baby.

Un test d’ovulation peut vous apprendre beaucoup sur votre corps, votre fertilité et votre menstrual cycle. Par exemple, saviez-vous que nous avons tendance à nous sentir plus énergiques, plus positives et à avoir une libido plus élevée pendant l’ovulation ?

Here's our guide to an ovulation test, including when, how and why you should use it.

What is ovulation?

L’ovulation est la libération d’un ovule par l’un de vos ovaires, qui est alors disponible pour être fécondé. C’est pendant cette fenêtre du cycle que vous êtes la plus fertile. Si vous essayez de get pregnant, l’ovulation est le moment de votre cycle où vous devez avoir des rapports sexuels qui vous donnent les meilleures chances de concevoir. Mais, c’est aussi le meilleur moment pour s’abstenir de tout rapport sexuel si vous n’êtes pas prête à tomber enceinte ou pour utiliser une forme de contraception comme le préservatif. L’ovulation se produit généralement au milieu du cycle menstruel, mais elle peut varier d’un mois à l’autre en fonction de votre cycle. Vous pouvez même avoir un cycle bizarre où vous n’ovulez pas du tout. Il faut parfois quelques cycles pour comprendre son corps et son cycle et savoir exactement quand on ovule.

What is an ovulation test?

En termes simples, un test d’ovulation est un test qui vous permet de prédire le moment où vous allez ovuler. C’est important car les ovules ne vivent que peu de temps après avoir été libérés – 24 heures maximum. Si vous essayez de tomber enceinte, vous devez vous assurer d’avoir des rapports sexuels avant l’ovulation pour optimiser vos chances de tomber enceinte. Les spermatozoïdes sont relativement robustes et peuvent survivre pendant 5 à 6 jours dans le corps de la woman. Si vous avez des rapports sexuels avant l’ovulation, ils resteront dans dans votre système de reproduction en attendant le meilleur moment d’agir.

How does an ovulation test work?

Tous les tests d’ovulation fonctionnent de la même manière : ils détectent l’hormone lutéinisante (LH) dans votre urine, que votre cerveau fabrique pour indiquer à vos ovaires qu’il est temps de libérer un ovule. Les niveaux de LH augmentent environ 24 à 48 heures avant l’ovulation, ce qui correspond au moment où vous avez le plus de chances de tomber enceinte.

How do I use an ovulation test?

To ensure that your ovulation test is carried out correctly, follow the instructions on the test. If it's positive, you will ovulate within 12 to 24 hours and, if you haven't already, you should start having sexual intercourse. Remember that the ideal time to have sex in order to make a baby is from five days before ovulation to the day of ovulation (i.e. your fertile window). The ovulation test will help you determine the pattern of your typical ovulation day so that you can take full advantage of your fertile window each cycle.

Some important points to know before proceeding with the ovulation test:

  • Make sure you haven't urinated for at least two hours.
  • Don't drink a lot of liquid in the hours leading up to the ovulation test. This can dilute your urine and lead to a false-negative result, i.e. you could be ovulating but the test will show you're not.
  • Do not open the packaging until you are ready to start the test.
  • Do not touch the ovulation test window.
  • Do not urinate on the ovulation test window.

Why should you take an ovulation test?

There are only a few days in each menstrual cycle when you can get pregnant, so it's important to understand when you ovulate and to know your most fertile days. If you're trying to get pregnant, an ovulation test can increase your chances of conception by telling you when you're most fertile. On the other hand, if you're not trying to get pregnant, knowing when you're most fertile can help you keep track of your cycle or let you know if you need to use a secondary form of contraception.

How long after ovulation can I take a pregnancy test?

Si vous faites partie des personnes qui ne peuvent pas attendre, sachez que, techniquement, le test de pregnancy peut être effectué au plus tôt sept à dix jours après l’ovulation – les traces de hCG commencent à apparaître dans votre urine environ dix jours après la fertilization de l’ovule. Cela signifie qu’une femme peut obtenir un résultat positif à un pregnancy test plusieurs jours avant le début de ses règles.

Get the peace of mind you need. Our high sensitivity, early result pregnancy tests are clinically proven to be over 99% accurate* and work up to 3 days before your expected period.


Is ovulation unpredictable after stopping hormonal contraception?

L’ovulation reprend généralement deux à trois semaines après l’arrêt de la contraception hormonale. Cela peut prendre plus de temps si vous êtes plus âgée ou si vous avez pris la pilule pendant très longtemps, et, dans certains cas, l’ovulation peut ne pas redevenir prévisible avant quelques mois. Comme tout ce qui concerne le cycle menstruel, le retour à une ovulation prévisible après l’arrêt de la contraception varie d’une personne à l’autre. Utilisez un test d’ovulation pour savoir quand vous ovulez.

How do I take an ovulation test?

Taking an ovulation test is easy! All you have to do is pee on the stick and wait 3 minutes for the result to appear (just like a pregnancy test). It's best to take an ovulation test in the middle of the day and at the same time every day.

We've put together clear, jargon-free instructions with easy-to-read test lines, so you can take the test with ease.

How to read an ovulation test

There are three possible results you can get when you do an ovulation test. If your ovulation test result is negative (no LH surge is detected), only the control line will appear on the test or the test line will appear lighter than the control line. If the result of your ovulation test is positive (ovulation will probably occur within the next 24-48 hours), both the test line and the control line will be visible and the test line will be darker than or equal to the control line. Finally, your result may be invalid, i.e. there is no distinct pink-purple line visible in both the TEST and CONTROL areas. Do another ovulation test if this happens!

What should you do if you don't get a positive ovulation test result for a while?

If you continue to get a negative result on your ovulation tests, it's best to consult your doctor. Many factors can affect your menstrual cycle and the timing of your ovulation. Do your best to stay positive and hopeful!

When should I have an ovulation test?

Ovulation isn't like clockwork, so it can be difficult to know how to keep track of it. If predicting your period has been made possible by period-tracking apps, taking an ovulation test can help you predict even further ahead.

Ovulation occurs once a month and only during a 12- to 24-hour window in the middle of your menstrual cycle. Think about the usual length of your cycle, i.e. the number of days between the first day of your last period and the start of your next period (period-tracking apps are an excellent way of obtaining this information). Based on this number, consult the table to determine the best day to carry out the test. For example, if your cycle is usually 28 days long and the first day of your last period began on the 7th of the month, you should start testing on the 18th of the month. In other words, if you have a 28-day cycle, you should start testing around the 10th or 11th day of your menstrual cycle to be sure of detecting ovulation. If your cycle is irregular, use the midpoint of your shortest cycle in the last six months and start the ovulation test at that point.

We do not recommend first morning urine because it is concentrated and can give a false positive result. Any other time of day is suitable. An ovulation test works by detecting a surge in the luteinising hormone, LH. LH is important here because it helps to control the menstrual cycle and trigger ovulation. That said, it can take a few hours for the ovulation test to detect LH, so do another test later in the day if you think you're ovulating. This LH surge usually occurs 12 to 36 hours before ovulation, so once your test is positive, you should ovulate within this time frame. The most important thing is that you do your tests at roughly the same time each day. The more tests you do, the better your chances of predicting ovulation.

Our ovulation tests come in sets of six! They take the guesswork out of ovulation testing and put you right into action. Use them six days a month to find your precise ovulation day.

Ovulation tests

Can an ovulation test result be false?

Les résultats des tests d’ovulation indiquent si vos hormones sont au bon niveau pour l’ovulation. Ces résultats sont généralement précis à 97 %, mais ils peuvent être moins fiables si vous avez des irregular periods, des problèmes de santé ou si vous prenez certains médicaments.

An ovulation test has a "false result" when it indicates that you are ovulating when you are not, or that you are ovulating when you are not. If you never get a positive result from an ovulation test, you may be testing too early or too late in your cycle. More frequent testing can help you better understand your cycle and fertility window. Ovulation is a very short window in your menstrual cycle, so understanding your cycle as a whole makes it easier to know when you are most fertile.

You may be worried that the results of your pregnancy or ovulation test are unreliable. Although inaccurate results can happen, understanding how the test works and using it correctly makes them more reliable. Plusbaby helps its community avoid false results by providing simple instructions and clear results.

Why choose Plusbaby?

At Plusbaby, we think you deserve a better experience when it comes to buying pregnancy and ovulation tests. If you want to try ovulation tests, check out Plusbaby ovulation tests. They are over 99% accurate and are available in a six pack for one month. We've designed clear, jargon-free instructions and tests with easy-to-read lines and quick results so you can test without a doubt.



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