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How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant naturally?

Written by The Plusbaby Team


Tips to increase your chances of getting pregnant

Falling pregnant can be extremely frustrating. For some people, it happens immediately. But for many, it involves months or even years of trying, running to the shop for pregnancy tests and visits to doctors. Fortunately, there are several natural ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Below are some that might be right for you.

What are the tips for getting pregnant naturally?

The first step to increasing your chances of falling pregnant naturellement est de planifier les rapports sexuels autour de l’ovulation. Pour cela, suivez votre cycle à l’aide de tests d’ovulation et prévoyez des rapports sexuels environ 36 heures avant l’ovulation, car c’est à ce moment-là que le taux de LH est le plus élevé et que vous êtes la plus fertile. L’ovulation ne se produit que pendant 12 à 48 heures, une fois par menstrual cycle, lorsque votre corps libère un ovule. En planifiant les rapports sexuels autour de l’ovulation, vous maximisez les chances que le sperme rencontre l’ovule et de get pregnant.

How to use ovulation tests to increase your chances of getting pregnant?

There are ovulation tests that allow you to accurately monitor the course of your cycle and exactly when you ovulate. This will allow you to identify the right days to become pregnant. In general, for a standard 28-day cycle, ovulation takes place on day 14. From day 10 of the cycle, your oestrogen levels rise and luteinising hormone (LH) will trigger ovulation. The ovulation test can therefore be used to monitor the onset of ovulation. The closer you get to your ovulation day, the darker the line on the test will be, showing the level of the hormone LH in your urine. By doing the test over several days, you can follow the rise in your hormones until you determine the day when the line is darkest (or most apparent), which will determine your ovulation day. We advise you to do a test every day for 6 days (from your 10th day of the cycle) to accurately determine your ovulation day and therefore the period when you are most fertile and most likely to become pregnant.

A healthy lifestyle increases your chances of getting pregnant

Whether you're trying to have a baby or not, what you eat has an impact on your life. Food has a major influence on the production of hormones in the body. Eating healthily will help to keep your hormone levels regular and normal and therefore optimise your chances of being pregnant.

You should be aware that the use of certain lubricants can have a negative effect on sperm quality. In order to become pregnant, it is not advisable to use lubricants during sexual relations..

Exercise and avoid alcohol, tobacco, nicotine and coffee. This will help you have a regular cycle and optimize your chances of getting pregnant. A regular cycle is easier to track and follow than an irregular one. If you experience any irregularities in your cycle, it's essential to see a specialist. gynecologist and talk to him about it.

Taking dietary supplements to help you get pregnant

Il existe de nombreux complements que vous pouvez prendre et qui se sont avérés efficaces pour augmenter vos chances de tomber enceinte. Tout d’abord, l’acide folique est un supplément présent dans de nombreuses prenatal vitamins qui augmente les chances de conception et réduit le risque d’anomalies congénitales du tube neural. En dehors des suppléments, l’acide folique peut être trouvé naturellement dans des aliments comme les légumes verts à feuilles, les agrumes, le riz complet et les haricots. Le zinc est un autre complément naturel que l’on trouve dans les légumes et les œufs et que les deux partenaires peuvent prendre tous les jours pour augmenter les chances de grossesse. Votre médecin traitant vous recommandera probablement une marque spécifique de vitamins, mais les bonnes vitamines contiennent généralement de l’acide folique, du calcium, du ironthe vitamin D and Omega 3 also known as DHA (acide docosahexaénoïque). Elles sont en vente libre et doivent être prises avant et during pregnancy.

It takes two to get pregnant

You see, the fertility féminine n’est que la moitié de l’équation. Nous avons donc conçu une multivitamine pour man qui soutient la male fertility et mettra toutes les chances de votre côté pour que vous tombiez enceinte.

Developed with the help of gynaecologists and doctors, our supplement +Fertimenis an extensively researched, high-quality, antioxidant-rich dietary supplement formulated for male fertility. Because fertility results depend on both the egg and the sperm, our prenatal vitamins for men are specifically designed to address nutrient deficiencies and optimise your chances of getting pregnant. pregnant.

Exercise if you're planning to get pregnant

It's hard enough to push yourself to exercise when you're not pregnant, so imagine how difficult it is when you are. Whether you're trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant, moderate exercise should be part of your journey. Being overweight or underweight can upset your natural hormonal balance and have an impact on your ovulationwhich makes conception more difficult. For people trying to get pregnant, doctors recommend 30 minutes of exercise 3 to 4 times a week, whatever your pace.

See your doctor as soon as you plan to get pregnant.

This is the last piece of advice we have for you: even if you don't seem to be having any particular problems, it's best to have a consultation before you start trying to get pregnant. This will allow you to check that everything is going well and will give you confidence. And above all, don't forget to communicate! Talk to your partner and tell them about your desires and fears. Stress is enemy number one when it comes to getting pregnant.

Finally, if getting pregnant takes a little longer than you'd like, don't feel guilty. In Switzerland, around one couple in six has difficulty conceiving children.



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