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How can you best prepare to conceive a baby?

Written by The Plusbaby Team


To give yourself the best chance of having a baby, there are several things you can do.

Have you decided to conceive a baby? First of all, congratulations! This is great news and an important step in your life. To put all the chances on your side to get pregnant, there are several actions you can take. Of course, these are just a few tips and good practices to make this wonderful project easier: don't put any pressure on yourself. The key to conceiving a baby is to avoid unnecessary stress and feel good about your body and mind. Follow the guide!

Tip 1: Stop using all your contraceptive methods

This goes without saying! If you are taking the contraceptive pill, your body can put a little time and normal cycles. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal.

Conceiving a baby - tip number 2: Start taking vitamins!

Have you ever heard of folic acid? It's actually vitamin B9 and is highly recommended for conceiving a perfectly formed and healthy baby. You'll find it naturally in chickpeas, walnuts, chestnuts, strawberries, lychees, spinach, watercress, lamb's lettuce... The best thing is to start taking it a few months before your conceiving and continue throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is recommended by doctors to prevent congenital malformations in conceiving babies. Studies show that a high level of folic acid can reduce the risk of a conceiving baby with a malformation ('open back' or, in medical jargon, 'spina bifida') by 50-80%.

At the same time, vitamin B6 is reputed to facilitate the implantation and development of the fertilized egg in your uterus, and also helps regulate your cycles.

Vous pouvez également prendre de la vitamine B12 et C qui boostent votre fertility et celle du futur papa !

Vous comprenez donc qu’il est important de combiner plusieurs vitamins et nutriments. C’est pourquoi nous avons développé une combinaison optimale de vitamines, minéraux et oligoéléments afin de vous faciliter la vie pour vous et votre chéri car le sperme est la moitié de l’équation !

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CHF 55.90

Conceiving a baby - tip number 3: Eat a balanced diet and take care of your health

When you want to have a conceiving baby, it's best to avoid going on a diet or, on the contrary, overeating. This can have an effect on your fertility and in particular on the production of necessary hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone. Try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of everything, especially fruit and vegetables, but also fish and white meat.

Even if it goes without saying, you need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. You won't be able to do this while you're pregnant, as it would be toxic for the baby, so you might as well start now.

Conceiving a baby - tip number 4: Get to know your menstrual cycle

Connaissez-vous les différentes phases de votre cycle ovarien et plus précisément votre période d’ovulation ? Chaque mois, environ 14 jours après l’arrivée de vos règles, vous entrez dans la phase ovulatoire pendant laquelle vous pouvez concevoir un bébé.

Pour détecter les quelques jours qui sont les plus propices pour concevoir un bébé, vous pouvez repérer plusieurs signes comme l’apparition de pertes blanches quelques jours avant le début de votre ovulation, ou encore une légère augmentation de votre température (de 0,3°C à 0,6°C) le jour suivant votre ovulation.

But the simplest and most accurate method is to detect the hormone LH, which is released in large quantities when the fertilisable egg is expelled. ovulation tests qui sont disponibles dans notre boutique en ligne. Ils sont vendus par lot de six, ce qui vous permet de faire plusieurs tests et de détecter précisément quand se situe votre pic de LH.

Conceiving a baby - tip number 5: Make love regularly and especially during your ovulation period

Pour concevoir un bébé, il faut avoir des rapports sexuels réguliers afin que les spermatozoïdes de votre “chéri“ trouvent le chemin de votre ovule et le fécondent. Il est conseillé de “faire des câlins“ tous les deux jours car ce laps de temps permet au sperme de se reconstituer afin d’être riche en spermatozoïdes et favoriser leur activité.

Secondly, as mentioned above, try to target the time when you ovulate. It is best to have sex for 3 or 4 days before and 48 hours after.

Conceiving a baby - tip number 6: Make an appointment with your doctor

For complete peace of mind, we recommend that you consult your GP for a check-up and to ask any questions you may have about your baby's arrival.



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