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Array Fertility

Erectile dysfunction and fertility

Written by The Plusbaby Team


Erectile dysfunction is common in men, especially those who face "performance anxiety" when they have to perform on demand at the exact moment of ovulation.

Erectile dysfunction is surprisingly more common in young men than most people realise. Erectile dysfunction can be a major source of emotional frustration for men and their partners, and an obvious barrier to natural conception. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments available, including pills, devices, procedures and even surgery. In this article, we go through several options for you.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Le trouble de l’érection ou la dysfonction érectile (DE) se définit comme l’incapacité d’obtenir ou de maintenir une érection. Beaucoup de gens pensent qu’un trouble de l’érection ne touche que les hommes âgés, mais ce n’est pas vrai ! Les troubles de l’érection sont beaucoup plus fréquents qu’on ne le pense et touchent jusqu’à 30 % des hommes de moins de 40 ans. De nombreux facteurs peuvent affecter l’érection d’un homme, notamment le stress psychologique, les anomalies hormonales, les conditions médicales telles que le diabète ou l’hypertension artérielle, les lésions nerveuses, etc. Le trouble de l’érection est souvent une source de détresse psychologique importante pour les hommes, qui peuvent éprouver des sentiments de frustration, d’inadéquation, de faible estime de soi et de dépression. Les partenaires de ces hommes ressentent souvent aussi la pression émotionnelle de cette condition.

The link between erectile dysfunction and fertility

Il n’est pas difficile d’imaginer comment un trouble de l’érection peut constituer un obstacle à la fertility pour de nombreux couples. Après tout, les spermatozoïdes doivent arriver jusqu’à l’ovule pour faire un baby ! Souvent, un trouble de l’érection est du « à l’angoisse de la performance » associée aux rapports sexuels programmés pendant l’ovulation. Heureusement, il existe une variété d’options de treatment.

Modify and improve your lifestyle

Many specialists in the field of sexual medicine regard the penis as a window on a man's health. Since an erection requires a perfect interaction between hormones, blood vessels and nerves, factors that affect these vital bodily systems often manifest themselves in the form of erectile dysfunction. As a result, improved diet, exercise, sleep and weight loss can all play a crucial role in restoring a man's erections. The first step in treating erectile dysfunction is to look at these lifestyle factors and find areas that can be improved. Thirty minutes of (cardio) exercise a day can significantly improve erectile function. Many of the same factors affecting erectile dysfunction can also have a negative impact on sperm count, so you can kill two birds with one stone by improving your lifestyle!

Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PD5is) (Viagra) and erectile dysfunction

Viagra, the 'little blue pill', revolutionised the field of erectile dysfunction when it was launched in 1998, and today remains one of the most popular drugs prescribed for erectile dysfunction. Viagra is one of four drugs in the phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor class, all of which act on the same biochemical pathway to promote blood flow to the penis by generating a molecule called nitric oxide. Cialis is probably the second most commonly prescribed drug and can be taken as a low-dose daily pill, allowing greater spontaneity during intercourse. Levitra and Spedra also have advantages and disadvantages in terms of side-effect profile, and some patients may prefer one over the other. The subtleties between the different options deserve to be discussed with a urologist in order to find the best option for each patient. Be careful not to take these drugs before consulting a specialist.

Erectile dysfunction and arginine

Il s’agit d’un acide aminé d’origine naturelle, largement disponibles sous forme de compléments alimentaires en vente libre. Cet acide aminé peut aider à promouvoir la formation d’oxyde nitrique, la molécule clé utilisée pour générer une érection. Les patients à la recherche d’un complément naturel, sans ordonnance, peuvent en bénéficier.

Our complément alimentaire +fertimen contiennent plusieurs acides aminés dont l’arginine afin de mettre toutes les chances de votre côté pour vous préparer à concevoir un child.

Erectile dysfunction: penis vacuum

Medical vacuum pumps come in all shapes and sizes, from simple manual pumps to sophisticated electronic versions. By generating negative pressure in a chamber, they draw blood into the penis, creating an erection. They are often combined with a penile constriction ring to keep blood in the penis after the pump has been used. Men looking for a drug-free solution can try this method.

Erectile dysfunction and intracavernosal injections (ICI)

This is a long-standing treatment for erectile dysfunction dating back to the 1980s, involving injections of medication using a tiny needle directly into the penis to generate an erection. Men looking for the most definitive form of medical therapy for erections will often turn to this treatment. Correct dosage is essential, as taking too much can cause a serious problem called priapism, when an erection lasts too long and constitutes a medical emergency. ICI should only be prescribed by a doctor experienced in treating men with sexual dysfunction. Of course, there's one big drawback: you have to inject the penis with a needle!

Erectile dysfunction and intraurethral Alprostadil

Another direct therapy to the penis is intra-urethral alprostadil. It includes a variety of suppositories, lozenges and gels that are inserted into the urethra and deliver medication directly into the penis to create an erection.

Erectile dysfunction and low-intensity shockwave therapy (LISWT)

A relatively new technology, low-intensity shockwave therapy sends pulses of energy to the penis to treat erectile dysfunction. This method is non-invasive, painless and fast, which makes it attractive to many men. However, it should be noted that scientific data on the effectiveness of lightwave therapy is mixed, and therefore still evolving. It may still be considered an experimental therapy until more conclusive research is carried out.

Erectile dysfunction and penile prosthesis

Penile prosthesis is the ultimate remedy for erectile dysfunction. It is the only therapy that can be said to be 100% effective in generating an erection. It consists of a mechanical pump placed inside the penis by means of surgery. Although it requires surgery, for the man who is looking for a definitive therapy, or who cannot tolerate or has failed the other therapies listed above, it can be an excellent option for restoring a normal sex life.

As with all medical problems, it's best to consult a urologist or an expert in sexual medicine to find the best treatment for you. The sooner you can restore normal erectile function, the sooner couples can get back to making a baby!



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