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Array Fertility

Libido during pregnancy

Written by The Plusbaby Team

When to make love with a positive ovulation test

Have you ever wondered why libido is so variable during pregnancy?

Toutes les futures mamans n’ont-elles pas les mêmes problèmes et questions durant leur pregnancy ? Alors, qu’est-ce qui explique la variation de la libido et, surtout, que peut-on faire pour y remédier ? Plongeons directement dans ce sujet des plus intrigants.

What does libido mean?

La libido est couramment utilisée pour décrire la pulsion sexuelle ou le désir d’activité sexuelle. La libido fluctue naturellement tout au long de notre cycle de vie reproductif, les hauts et les bas sont donc courants. Et comme la libido est principalement déterminée par les hormones, les divers facteurs qui modifient les hormones affecteront naturellement le désir sexuel, notamment la grossesse, le stress, les médicaments, la ménopause et l’exercice.

Libido naturally fluctuates throughout our reproductive life cycle, so ups and downs are common.

How does pregnancy affect your libido?

Pregnancy brings with it a host of rapid physical and emotional changes. ; so it's not surprising that libido is affected. Hormones, including oestrogen, progesterone and beta HCG levels, all increase and can alter your desire for sexual activity.

And while some women experience an increase in libido due to increased blood flow and sensitivity, it's also possible that other women feel exactly the opposite. There are several reasons for this.

Increased libido is often due to increased blood flow to the genitals, resulting in greater sensitivity and often more satisfying sex.

D’autre part, une baisse de la libido peut s’expliquer par la prise de poids, la fatigue, les nausées, les vomissements et la sensibilité des seins, autant de facteurs qui peuvent altérer la perception de soi et la confiance en soi. En outre, de nombreuses femmes, notamment celles qui souffrent de pertes de grossesse récurrentes, ont une peur inconsciente ou consciente de faire du mal à leur baby.

Does libido change with each trimester?

It's perfectly possible! Most women feel their worst during the first and third trimesters due to the symptoms of early and late pregnancy, including nausea, vomiting, tiredness, back pain and an ever-expanding uterus that makes sex more difficult. Libido may therefore be lower during these periods.

Le deuxième trimestre apporte généralement plus d’énergie, moins de nausées et un désir accru de faire la plupart des activités, et le sex ne fait pas exception !

What is a "normal" libido, anyway?

Unfortunately, there is no definition of a normal libido. The only normal thing is that your libido fluctuates with pregnancy, and this can be good or bad. Every pregnancy is different, so it's important to be honest about how you feel and to understand that, whatever the state of your libido, it's temporary and will probably return to baseline. However, if there are rapid or persistent changes in libido that are disrupting your relationship, it's best to discuss this with your provider and consider a consultation with a therapist who has experience of sexual dysfunction.

Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?

Les rapports sexuels sont sans danger pendant la grossesse, sauf indication contraire de votre gynecologist. De nombreuses conditions peuvent influer sur les recommandations concernant les rapports sexuels pendant la grossesse, notamment les anomalies placentaires, y compris les fausses couches récurrentes, les saignements ou les menaces de travail prématuré.

Sex and intimacy during pregnancy

For women in general, libido is a complex entity involving physical, social and emotional elements. And while pregnancy can add a new layer of complexity, it's important to focus on the purpose of your pregnancy and free yourself from the associated judgements and self-criticism!

Pregnancy is a very special time when there's no pressure to diet, worry about birth control or healthy weight gain. Yes, there is!

So relax and enjoy the wonderful changes that await you, including curves that round out, confidence that grows and maybe even a growing desire for sex and intimacy.

Our complément alimentaire végan, +mum has been designed with all the nutrients you need during pregnancy.



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