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Chinese pregnancy calendar

Chinese pregnancy calendar



The Chinese pregnancy calendar is a time-honoured method for predicting baby's gender even before birth. Used for centuries in China, this system intrigues many pregnant women around the world. Discover the principles, the history and how to use this method to determine if you're expecting. daughter or a boy.

The origins of the Chinese pregnancy calendar

The Chinese pregnancy calendaralso known as the "Chinese-designed table", has its roots in ancient imperial China. Legend has it that it was discovered in a royal tomb some 700 years ago. The calendar is said to be based on lunar phases and associates theage of pregnant woman in the design month.

The legend of the design table

According to accounts, this method was developed by Chinese sages after observing natural cycles and human behavior. They are said to have noticed certain patterns between maternal age, month of conception and the sex of the unborn child. Although mysterious and anecdotal, this story fuels our fascination with this ancient practice.

Basic principles

The table has two main axes:

  • Vertical axis : Represents themother's lunar agewhich often differs from the solar age traditionally used in the West.
  • Horizontal axis Indicates lunar month of conception.

By cross-referencing these two pieces of information, we obtain a box indicating either "Girl or "Boy.


How to use the Chinese pregnancy calendar

To take full advantage of this method, it's essential to understand how to correctly calculate age and month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

Calculating the mother's lunar age

Unlike Western calendars, the lunar age generally adds one or two years to your current age. In fact, the Chinese believe that a baby is already one year old when it's born. So, if you were born in February 1990, your lunar age would be 2023-1990 +1 = 34 years (in 2023).

Determining the lunar month of conception

To obtain the months of conception If you're looking for an effective date, you'll need to consult a solar-to-lunar date converter. For example, if your conception occurred in April 2023 according to the Western solar calendar, it could correspond to March or May according to the lunar calendar.

Precautions and limitations

It is important to note that the Chinese pregnancy calendar is not scientifically proven. It should therefore be used more as an amusement or a tradition rather than an exact science. Here are a few precautions to take:

Unscientific method

Although it appears rigorous and precise, numerous scientific studies demonstrate the absence of a direct correlation between this old method and the baby's real sex. Indeed, the probability of accuracy remains close to a mere 50%.

Global vs. individually specific use

Some families give a lot of credit to this calendar. However, its validity can vary considerably from person to person. The results obtained should always be taken with hindsight and scepticism.

Practical examples of use

Since it's intriguing, let's take a look at a few concrete examples to illustrate the use of this calendar.

Example: Woman aged 30

Suppose a woman declares that she was born in 1993:

  • Its lunar age in 2023 would then be 2023 - 1993 + 1 = 31 years.
  • Let's assume that conception took place in June (solar calendar), corresponding approximately to the fifth lunar month.

Cross-referencing this data on the Chinese board, she would see a clear indication declaring either "girl" or "boy" depending on the box found.


Example: Woman aged 25

Another illustration involving a woman born in 1998:

  • Lunar age in 2023: 2023 - 1998 + 1 = 26 years.
  • Conception in October (solar calendar), probably corresponding to the eighth lunar month according to the usual conversions.

Again, by consulting the conception table aligned in this way, she would obtain the prediction of the sex to come: "girl" or "boy".


Cultural highlights and interests

Despite a proven lack of scientific basis, there are several strong reasons why this technique continues to be popular.

Strengthening traditions

Over the generations, many families have used this process to strengthen family ties and discussions around pregnancy. This aspect helps to keep certain ancient customs alive, while stimulating intergenerational dialogue.

An entertaining tool during pregnancy

Often seen as a fun game, this instrument is particularly popular with expectant mothers looking to anticipate the arrival of a little angel. It's a great way to pass the time during the long weeks of waiting, by sparking all kinds of debates and predictions.

Universal accessibility

Thanks to its ease of use, any curious person can participate without the need for specific skills or expensive tools. This has contributed to its widespread adoption and even export beyond China's borders.

Comparison with other methods of sex determination

In addition to the Chinese pregnancy calendarHowever, there are several other techniques that deserve attention. Here's a quick comparison with other well-known processes:

Medical ultrasound

Technically reliable, obstetric ultrasound remains the scientifically recognized method for visualizing the fetus and determining its sex as early as the 17th week of gestation. On the other hand, it requires increased medical supervision and specialized equipment.

Prenatal DNA test

Another modern approach is DNA testing, in which maternal blood is analyzed for the presence of circulating fetal DNA. Despite its high cost, it offers unrivalled precision, previously impossible by any other means.

Predictions based on belly shape

Other popular beliefs attribute certain belly shapes to sexual prognosis. If the belly is pointed, they predict a boy; if it's round, a girl. Here again, there is no scientific consensus to back up these subjective assertions.

In short, although open to question, these different techniques show varying degrees of reliability, mitigating the original human experience of the natural uncertainty of motherhood.

Limits and criticisms

Like every traditional method, the Chinese pregnancy calendar is the subject of a wide range of criticism, often from modern scientific perspectives.

Pseudoscience and biased probabilities

Based on incomplete astronomical notions, this method bypasses the major established biological principles of human fertilization. Many describe this pseudoscientific approach as one in which coincidences end up being held as certainties.

Cultural differences ignored

Some believe that its "lunar" designation is confusing outside continental Asia, making it difficult for foreign neophytes to verify its veracity.

In the end, despite these valid criticisms, it has to be said that ancestral persistence arouses curiosity handed down from generation to generation, becoming an incomparable cultural phenomenon eternally resonating with young mothers in search of perpetual fantasy stories!