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Array Pregnancy

Fight morning sickness

Written by The Plusbaby Team


Morning sickness is one of the best-known symptoms of pregnancy. What causes it, and how long does it last?

The pregnancy est un processus à la fois beau et fatigant. Outre les mamelons sensibles, les crampes et la fatigue, vous aurez probablement des morning sickness matinales. En fait, 70 à 80 % des femmes enceintes souffrent de morning sickness et, quel que soit le nom qu’on leur donne, elles peuvent survenir à tout moment de la journée (pas seulement le matin) et durer des semaines.

Change in hormones causes morning sickness

There's no concrete answer to the question of what causes them, but some theories involve an increase in the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Others claim that the combination of progesterone and estrogen may play a role. It is likely that a combination of factors contributes to the severity of symptoms.

What does nausea look like and how long does it last?

They may vary depending on the pregnancy. Some women feel nauseous all day and have the urge to vomit, others have an occasional urge to vomit and still others feel nauseous all day without vomiting.

They don't usually manifest themselves beyond the first trimester, and although some women experience symptoms in the second and third trimesters, most cases only last a few weeks (I know, I know, it still seems like an eternity!).

Can morning sickness only occur in the morning?

How does nausea know the time? Does the vomiting stop at midday? Although it would be nice to have a timetable for morning sickness, it doesn't follow any rules and can occur throughout the day. Some women only feel uncomfortable in the morning, others in the evening, still others on an empty stomach and between meals.

How do you stop them?

Les nausées matinales sont l’une des parties difficiles de la grossesse que de nombreuses femmes endurent. Bien que vous puissiez gérer activement les symptômes, il n’y a pas de remède magique aux nausées, et souvent la progression de la grossesse apporte une amélioration spontanée. Malgré les sentiments de misère absolue, dans la plupart des cas les nausées sont autolimitées et finalement sans danger pour vous et votre baby à naître. Cela dit, il y a des cas où vous devriez communiquer avec votre médecin, notamment l’incapacité de manger ou de boire pendant 24 heures, une faiblesse importante et une perte de poids radicale.

To better manage nausea, you should :

  • Eat frequent small meals or snacks throughout the day.
  • Take tea, supplements, and ginger candies that can help calm your stomach: try our Anti-Nausea Herbal Tea made with ginger and peppermint.
  • Prenez une vitamin prénatale. Beaucoup de gynécologues-obstétriciens affirment que les prenatal vitamins peuvent réduire le risque de nausées et vomissements graves.
  • Change your mealtimes.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Avoid smelly foods that can act as triggers, such as hard-boiled eggs, tuna, etc.
  • Try the BRATT diet, which contains bland, low-fat, easy-to-digest foods like bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and herbal teas.


What foods should I avoid if I suffer from morning sickness?

Avoid all extremely spicy, acidic, smelly or gas-producing foods, including dairy products. It's best to stick to bland, boring foods. This dull diet may prove difficult, but it's worth the sacrifice to control nausea.

Is there anything that can help morning sickness and heartburn?

Yes! Discover our herbal tea anti-nausea !

What to do when all these tips fail?

Il existe des suppléments et des médicaments sûrs qui peuvent aider à traiter les nausées et vomissements lorsque les modifications du régime alimentaire et du mode de vie sont inefficaces. Les suppléments en vente libre les plus courants sont le gingembre, la menthe poivrée et la vitamine B6. La herbal tea anti-nausées combine la menthe poivrée et le gingembre pour détendre doucement le tube digestif et faciliter la digestion. Si ces mesures n’apportent qu’un soulagement incomplet, il est préférable de contacter votre obstétricien pour discuter des médicaments sur ordonnance qui pourraient s’avérer bénéfiques.

Anti-nausea tea is an excellent gift for mums-to-be who suffer from morning sickness.

On the bright side

Pregnancy is a wonderful process that often brings with it some not-so-pleasant side effects, not least nausea! Fortunately, for most people, morning sickness and vomiting last only a few weeks and disappear after the first three months of pregnancy. While they can't necessarily be predicted, prevented or cured, changing what and when you eat can help you manage your symptoms.




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