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Why is DHA important before and during pregnancy?

Written by The Plusbaby Team


DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, is one of the nutrients your body can't manufacture itself, and is often recommended as a supplement if you're planning a pregnancy or are pregnant.

DHA pourquoi? Lorsque vous êtes pregnant ou essayez de l’être, votre corps a besoin de certains nutriments pour favoriser votre santé et celle de votre baby en développement. Il est l’un des nutriments que votre corps ne peut pas fabriquer lui-même et il est souvent recommandé de le compléter avant et pendant la pregnancy. Il est communément appelé huile de poisson – saviez-vous qu’il existe des options végétaliennes sur le marché qui élimine les risques liés aux à certains contaminants environnementaux présents dans le poisson, tels que le mercure, les dioxines, les PCB (biphényles polychlorés)? Nous allons vous expliquer ce qu’est le DHA, pourquoi il est important et comment l’utiliser le plus efficacement possible.

DHA and nutrition

La nutrition et la grossesse sont déjà difficiles à gérer, mais les restrictions alimentaires peuvent mettre encore plus de pression sur les futures mamans (ou celles qui essaient de le faire). Une bonne vitamin prénatale doit contenir certains nutriments essentiels, mais il n’existe pas toujours d’options à base de plantes. Nous sommes là pour vous expliquer ce qu’est le DHA et comment vous pouvez consommer des niveaux appropriés de DHA tout en évitant les suppléments d’huile de poisson.

DHA and pregnancy

DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, is an essential omega-3 fatty acid, essential for the growth and development of the infant brain and for the day-to-day functioning of the adult brain. DHA is also a key component of the eyes and heart. Gynaecologists generally recommend that pregnant women take around 200 to 300 mg of DHA a day to improve pregnancy outcomes. Our Omega DHA Plusbaby contains 200 mg of DHA, which promotes a healthy pregnancy and encourages the early stages of life.

What is DHA?

It is a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid that may be beneficial for your baby's development. These omega-3 fatty acids are thought to have an impact on characteristics such as emotional intelligence, problem-solving ability and motor development.

In general, DHA is found in food sources such as cold-water fish and seafood, as well as in other animal products such as eggs, chicken and cattle fed high sources of DHA.

Why is it important?

Research results are still contradictory, but there is evidence that DHA plays a role in brain development and general health. One study showed that babies fell ill less often in the first six months of life when DHA was taken during pregnancy. Other studies look at cognitive development in the first two years of your baby's life. The results suggest that taking a prenatal vitamin containing DHA may be beneficial. Don't forget that certain factors in your life can have a negative impact on your baby's healthy development. These include

What are the vegan sources?

Si vous suivez un régime végétalien, il peut être plus difficile de vous assurer que vous recevez une quantité adéquate de nutriments, surtout si vous vous préparez à tomber enceinte ou si vous attendez un child. Heureusement, il existe certaines options pour garantir un développement sain pour vous et votre bébé.

For the body to obtain and use DHA or EPA as part of a vegetarian or vegan diet, it needs to eat foods containing ALA, or alpha-linolenic acid. ALA is found in seeds and nuts such as linseed, walnuts, echinacea, chia seeds, etc. Unfortunately, numerous studies have shown that the conversion of seeds and nuts into DHA is minimal, or even non-existent.

Fortunately, there are dietary supplements on the market, such as oil made from micro-algae, which can increase DHA levels in blood plasma. Our Plusbaby DHA capsules are made from micro-algae.

Are vegan DHA supplements as good as DHA fish oil?

Research shows similar effects on the body when taking vegan DHA and animal DHA. Fish consume their DHA from algae, so vegan supplements using algae and algae oil obtain DHA directly from the source. More research needs to be done on the long-term effects of vegan DHA supplements, but studies have suggested health benefits comparable to those of DHA fish oil.

Benefits of vegan DHA

Vegan DHA is a way to consume the necessary nutrients while avoiding eating seafood or fish oil. The health benefits of vegan and animal-based DHA are comparable, and there are environmental benefits to adopting a vegan diet.

Overfishing (catching fish at a rate higher than their reproductive capacity) is a serious problem that impacts food insecurity, damages the ocean food chain and contributes to coral reef degradation and climate change. By choosing vegan DHA tablets, you are also supporting supplements from more sustainable sources.

Vegan DHA is also free from the risk of certain environmental contaminants found in fish, such as mercury, dioxins, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and so on.

Vegan DHA and pregnancy

Further research is needed to accurately demonstrate the health benefits of vegan DHA during pregnancy, but some studies show that algae-derived DHA is an excellent source of omega-3 and may be a good option for women who are pregnant or wish to become pregnant and are concerned about the environmental toxins present in fish.

Why do doctors recommend prenatal vitamins containing DHA?

Studies suggest that it plays an essential role in fetal brain development. As your body does not manufacture DHA, you must obtain it from your diet or a vitamin. It seems that a large percentage of the population doesn't get the right balance of DHA through diet alone.

Everyone has unique needs, so we suggest you talk to your obstetrician or primary care provider to find out if a prenatal vitamin with DHA is right for you.

The summary

DHA represents >90% of the omega-3 acids essential for brain and eye development, and is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. While DHA is generally found in a seafood diet or in fish oil supplements, there are other vegan alternatives. Seaweed-derived fish oil is a plant-based option that eliminates the risk of environmental toxins and does not support over-fishing, which can be harmful to the planet.

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