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Array Fertility

Cervical mucus: what you need to know

Written by The Plusbaby Team

cervical mucus

Cervical mucus is also commonly known as vaginal discharge.

La glaire cervicale peut vous donner beaucoup d’informations sur votre santé vaginale et sur l’état de votre menstrual cycle. Il est courant que la texture, la couleur et la consistance varient au cours du mois, mais que signifient exactement ces changements ? Nous allons vous l’expliquer dans cet article.

Cervical mucus

The cervix is a muscular organ that serves as a passage between the vagina and the uterus.. Le liquide produit par le col de l’utérus, également appelé glaire cervicale, liquide cervical ou pertes, a une fonction très importante et peut être une grande source d’informations sur votre santé et votre fertility. La glaire cervicale change de consistance tout au long du cycle menstruel pour remplir différentes fonctions. Pendant les périodes fertiles du mois, la glaire cervicale peut aider les spermatozoa à traverser le vagin et le col de l’utérus pour rencontrer et féconder un ovule. La glaire cervicale peut également empêcher les spermatozoïdes ou d’autres substances de pénétrer dans le col de l’utérus à d’autres moments du mois. La glaire cervicale peut vous donner des indications sur votre période de fertilité.

How to check it

How can you tell what your cervical mucus looks like? There are several ways to check your cervical mucus, and it's important to do it before you urinate. You can try inserting clean fingers into the vagina, dabbing the vagina with clean toilet paper or checking underwear for discharge. It may take a few weeks of cervical mucus monitoring to familiarise yourself with the different types, but you'll get the hang of it!

The different types of cervical mucus

Cervical mucus changes throughout the menstrual cycle, helping the body in many different ways. Cervical mucus varies according to vaginal health, fertility periods, menstruation and so on. Here are some types of cervical mucus you may encounter and what they mean:

  • Creamy

Cervical mucus can be white, smooth or creamy. This is often the case as ovulation approaches, and may be due to an increase in estrogen. This phenomenon is likely to occur a few days to a week before ovulation.

  • Dryer

Drier cervical mucus is often observed during the first few days after menstruation. This phenomenon is more likely to occur in the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle or in the few days following menstruation.

  • Tights

Pasty or sticky cervical mucus may be slightly yellow or white. It probably doesn't stretch much. This situation is more likely to occur in the days following menstruation.

  • The water

Cervical mucus can sometimes be clear or watery. It is very moist to the touch. This is a sign of high water content and can be a sign of high fertility. Watery CM is likely to occur between days 10 and 18 of the cycle, around the time of ovulation.

  • Sliding

Stretchy, slippery, clear cervical mucus is often called "egg-white discharge" and indicates that you are at or near your fertile period. This type of cervical mucus gives sperm the best chance of surviving inside the body for several days. Egg-white discharge occurs at the time of ovulation, which often takes place around day 14 of the menstrual cycle.

Il est important de noter qu’il s’agit d’estimations basées sur un cycle menstruel de 28 jours et qu’elles peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre. La meilleure façon de comprendre votre propre glaire cervicale est de la suivre régulièrement et de noter les tendances importantes que vous pouvez observer. Vous pouvez également utiliser des tests d’ovulation pour avoir une idée plus précise de l’état de votre cycle. Il s’agit de deux méthodes couramment utilisées dans le cadre de la planification familiale naturelle pour prévenir ou tenter de concevoir.

What is white discharge?

Les pertes à texture de blanc d’œuf sont un terme qui décrit la glaire cervicale au moment de l’ovulation. Les pertes à texture de blanc d’œuf sont généralement claires, glissantes et extensibles, semblables à des blancs d’œuf, et sont un signe que vous allez bientôt ovuler. Si vous essayez de concevoir un child, c’est le meilleur moment pour avoir des rapports sexuels !

What does the presence of a lot of egg-white cervical mucus mean?

Discharge is generally normal and healthy! Discharge is the body's way of lubricating, cleaning and protecting the vagina and uterus. It is normal for discharge to change slightly in texture, quantity or colour during the menstrual cycle. If there is a major change in odour, consistency or colour, or if you experience any burning or discomfort associated with the discharge, you should consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of infection.

White discharge refers to the clear, slippery, sticky cervical mucus around ovulation and is a completely normal bodily response to ovulation! The production of white discharge is your body's way of helping sperm live and travel through the body long enough to meet and fertilize an egg. This reaction is triggered by hormonal changes and usually lasts about four days.

What other effects does cervical mucus have?

La glaire cervicale peut être un excellent indicateur de votre santé tout au long du cycle menstruel et de la pregnancy. De nombreux facteurs peuvent avoir un impact sur la glaire cervicale, notamment :

Hormonal changes or contraception

  • infections
  • medicines
  • breast-feeding
  • Lubricants or hygiene products
  • Feeding

In some people, cervical mucus changes regularly and noticeably, while in others this is not the case. If you have specific questions about ovulation, discharge, menstruation, etc., talk to your doctor.

Key points to remember

  • Cervical mucus is also known as cervical fluid, cervical discharge or discharge.
  • The texture, color and consistency of cervical mucus can vary according to the menstrual cycle and other factors.
  • You can check your cervical mucus by inserting one or two clean fingers into the vagina, dabbing with toilet paper or checking your underwear.
  • During fertile periods, cervical mucus is more likely to be moist, slippery and clear, similar to egg white.
  • Ovulation occurs around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle and constitutes the fertile period. Egg-white discharge is a sign of fertility. ovulation sign et signifient que vous pouvez tomber pregnant.
  • If discharge smells bad, has a strange color or consistency, or is accompanied by burning or discomfort, you should see a doctor to rule out infection.



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