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Array Fertility

Vitamin D and male fertility I Plusbaby

Written by The Plusbaby Team

vitamine d

Vitamin D and fertility

Visit vitamin D est vitamine liposoluble qui est convertie en hormone dans l’organisme. On la trouve dans certains aliments et elle peut également être convertie par la peau grâce aux rayons UV du soleil.

Vitamin D plays many roles in the human body, and some theories claim that a deficiency can affect infertility in men.

Vitamin D and fertility

In general, the recommended dietary intake of vitamin D for adult men under 70 is 600 IU/day, although some argue that it should be higher because of the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency. Some claim that over 40% of the population is vitamin D deficient. One of the factors contributing to this problem is the modern lifestyle that most of us lead, with limited exposure of the skin to sunlight and, consequently, limited exposure to UV rays.

Le rôle de la vitamine D dans la production d’hormones et la création de spermatozoïdes a été étudié à la fois chez les animaux et chez les humains. Des études expérimentales soutiennent un effet bénéfique de la vitamine D sur la fertility masculine en jouant un rôle dans la production d’hormones et en améliorant les paramètres du sperme.

Clinical studies in men concerning vitamin D and fertility have been controversial and further research is needed. According to a review of the literature, some studies have demonstrated a positive effect of vitamin D intake on sperm quality and motility.

En ce qui concerne les études qui suggèrent l’effet positif de la vitamine D sur la male fertility, il est important de noter que la vitamine D ne semble pas exercer un rôle important dans la fertilité humaine en l’absence de carence. En d’autres termes, si un homme a déjà des niveaux de vitamine D adéquats, la supplémentation ne sera probablement pas bénéfique. Par contre, quand environ 40% de la population pourrait avoir une carence en vitamine D, une supplémentation semble faire du sens.

Dietary and complementary forms of vitamin D

To determine whether there is a genuine vitamin D deficiency, a blood test must be carried out. This test is relatively inexpensive and readily available. If a man is diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, it is generally advisable to ensure adequate vitamin D intake to replenish levels for many reasons other than fertility. If supplementation is envisaged, the medical community generally recommends taking the D3 form (and not the D2 form). In fact, some data indicate that vitamin D3 is more effective at increasing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels than vitamin D2.

Here are some dietary sources of vitamin D:

The main source of vitamin D is the sun. 80-90% of the vitamin D (vitamin D3) assimilated by our body is synthesised by the action of ultraviolet rays. The WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends a daily exposure of the face and arms of around 30 minutes. Vitamin D also exists in its natural form in :

- Oily fish such as salmon and tuna
- Milk and butter
- And offal.

Given that exposure to the sun is often insufficient in the northern hemisphere, supplementation is generally necessary.

+ferti and vegan vitamin D for fertility

Our dietary supplements +fertimen and +fertiwomen contain an optimal dose of vitamin D3. While most prenatal vitamin supplements use vitamin D from an animal source (lamb's wool), the +ferti range has been designed with vitamin D carefully extracted from algae to provide an easily absorbable vegan form of vitamin D3.


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