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Array Fertility

Vitamins to help you get pregnant quickly : myths and realities

Written by The Plusbaby Team

Vitamins to help you get pregnant quickly

Visit pregnancy is a unique moment in a woman's life, and many want to fall pregnant quickly. While certain factors such as age or medical problems can influence the fertility, existe-t-il des vitamins ou autres nutriments susceptibles de booster la fécondité ? Dans cet article, nous aborderons différents aspects concernant les vitamines pour get pregnant as well as their efficiency.

Vitamins essential for female fertility

Several vitamins and minerals are necessary for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system. These elements may not guarantee rapid conception, but they can promote overall health and support the functions necessary for procreation. Here are some important vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin D

Visit vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining a healthy hormonal balance, and also supports healthy bones and other bodily systems. A deficiency in vitamin D can impair female fertility.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in many biological functions, including the support of fertility and reproductive health. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C protects cells against oxidative damage, including sex cells and reproductive tissues. It helps reduce oxidative stress, a factor known to adversely affect egg and sperm quality, and consequently fertility

Vitamin C is also involved in the synthesis of collagen, an essential component of connective tissue, playing a role in the health of the reproductive system and facilitating the implantation of the embryo in the uterus. It also promotes the absorption of ironan important mineral for preventing anaemia, improving the quality of ovulation and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

Studies have shown that vitamin C can increase reproductive hormone levels and improve the chances of conception by stimulating ovulation in women and improving sperm motility in men.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E protects cells from oxidative damage and maintains the health of the uterus and ovaries. It can also improve egg quality in women with fertility problems.

Food supplements to boost fertility

In addition to the vitamins essential for female fertility, certain food supplements peuvent contribuer à soutenir les fonctions reproductrices et favoriser une conception rapide. Cependant, il faut garder à l’esprit que chaque femme est différente, et ce qui fonctionne pour certaines peut ne pas être efficace pour d’autres. Voici quelques exemples de compléments alimentaires :


This plant, native to Peru, is traditionally used to increase the libido and stimulate fertility. Scientific studies have shown that it can have a positive effect on hormonal balance and egg quality.


Arginine, a semi-essential amino acid, plays a significant role in several key physiological processes influencing female fertility. It contributes to the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), an important vasodilator that improves blood circulation in the reproductive tract, facilitating the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen to the ovaries and endometrium. In addition, arginine is involved in the immune response and may help modulate the uterine environment to favor embryo implantation. Preliminary studies suggest that arginine supplementation may improve oocyte quality and endometrial receptivity, although further research is needed to establish precise and effective recommendations in the clinical setting ofinfertility.


Zinc supports the female reproductive system and promotes the production of healthy, viable eggs.

Coenzyme Q10

This molecule, naturally present in the body, helps produce energy and protects ovarian cells from oxidative damage

Ferrous bisglycinate (Iron)

A chelated form of iron stands out for its high bioavailability and superior gastrointestinal tolerance compared to non-chelated forms. In the context of female fertility, iron deficiency can lead to anemia, adversely affecting ovulation and the overall health of the endometrium. Iron is crucial for oxygen transport and the metabolic support of cellular processes in the reproductive organs. Ferrous bisglycinate supplementation can therefore support better reproductive health, preventing iron-deficiency anemia and optimizing conditions for successful conception.


Selenium is an essential trace element that performs antioxidant functions and supports the immune system, vital aspects for female fertility. It helps protect cells against oxidative stress, including those involved in reproduction, and plays a role in regulating the thyroid, dysfunction of which can affect fertility. Adequate selenium levels are associated with improved egg quality and a reduced risk of miscarriage. However, balance is crucial, as excess selenium can have deleterious effects, underlining the importance of targeted, measured supplementation

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is essential for many physiological functions, including those linked to female fertility. It helps to regulate estrogen and progesterone levels by promoting their metabolism, thus contributing to the hormonal balance required for a healthy pregnancy ovulation and successful implantation. In addition, vitamin B6 is involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, an amino acid whose high levels can impair fertility and increase the risk of obstetric complications. Vitamin B6 supplementation may therefore be beneficial for women seeking to improve their fertility, particularly those with hormonal imbalances or high homocysteine levels.

Folate 5-MTHF

Le Folate 5-MTHF, la forme biologiquement active de l’acide folique, joue un rôle crucial dans la fertilité féminine et le développement embryonnaire précoce. Il est directement impliqué dans la synthèse de l’ADN et la régulation de la méthylation, des processus essentiels pour la division cellulaire et le développement normal de l’embryon. La supplémentation en 5-MTHF est particulièrement importante pour les femmes ayant des variantes génétiques du gène MTHFR, qui affectent la conversion de l’acide folique en sa forme active, augmentant ainsi le risque de complications telles que les défauts du tube neural. En outre, des niveaux adéquats de 5-MTHF soutiennent l’homéostasie de l’homocystéine, réduisant le risque de conditions obstétricales adverses et favorisant un environnement utérin sain pour l’implantation. La prise de 5-MTHF avant et pendant la grossesse est donc essentielle pour optimiser la fertilité et soutenir le développement fœtal, avec des implications significatives pour la prévention des malformations congénitales et l’amélioration des issues de la grossesse.

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Omega 3

Fatty acids omega-3including EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that play a key role in female fertility. These lipids are crucial to the proper functioning of the endocrine system, influencing hormone production and oocyte quality. DHA, in particular, is essential for healthy cell membranes, including those of the egg and endometrium, facilitating embryo implantation and early fetal development

Omega-3 supplementation has been associated with improved ovarian response, increased uterine blood flow and reduced risk of complications such as pre-eclampsia, which can affect the course of pregnancy. In addition, omega-3s may play a role in modulating immunity and inflammation, contributing to an optimal systemic and uterine environment for conception and maintenance of pregnancy.

Research suggests that increasing fatty acid intake omega-3Omega-3, either through diet or supplementation, can have beneficial effects on female fertility. Incorporating sources of omega-3, such as oily fish, flaxseed and walnuts, into the diet of women seeking to conceive is recommended to support reproductive health and optimize the chances of conception and pregnancy success. Here's the link to this research on omega-3 and fertility.

Nutrition to help you get pregnant quickly

Foods to choose

To maximize your chances of conceiving quickly, a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is essential. Here are some foods to include in your diet:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables: they contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support fertility
  • Low-fat dairy products: rich in calcium and vitamin D, important for maintaining balanced hormones and overall health
  • Oily fish: like salmon or sardines, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for reproductive health

Foods to avoid

Certain foods can impair female fertility and delay conception. It is therefore important to limit consumption:

  • Alcohol: can disrupt hormonal balance and inhibit ovulation
  • Caffeine: consumed in excess, it can reduce the body's ability to absorb certain essential nutrients such as iron and calcium
  • Added sugar: can lead to rapid weight gain and increase the risk of gestational diabetes

Factors that can influence design

While vitamin and nutrient intake is crucial to boosting fertility, other factors can also play a role in the ability to get pregnant quickly:


Exposure to nicotine, through smoking and vaping, has a pronounced negative influence on both male and female fertility. Nicotine, a principal alkaloid in tobacco and present in many vaping liquids, acts as an endocrine disruptor, deleteriously modulating reproductive function. In women, nicotine has been associated with reduced ovarian reserve, impaired oocyte maturation and reduced endometrial receptivity, compromising embryonic implantation and increasing the risk of miscarriage. Underlying mechanisms include the induction of ovarian vasoconstriction, reducing blood flow to the ovaries and leading to follicular hypoxia, as well as disturbances in estrogen synthesis and metabolism.

In men, nicotine exposure has been correlated with reduced sperm concentration, impaired sperm motility and morphological abnormalities. In addition, smoking can induce fragmentation of sperm DNA, reducing the potential fo fertilization and increasing the risk of transmitting genetic mutations. The toxic components of tobacco and the chemical substances present in vaping liquids can also reduce testosterone levels and disrupt the hormonal balance required for spermatogenesis.

Vaping, often perceived as a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking, nevertheless contains nicotine and other substances that can affect fertility. Although research into the specific effects of vaping on fertility is still underway, current evidence suggests that exposure to nicotine in any mode is detrimental to reproductive health

Smoking and vaping cessation is strongly recommended for individuals seeking to improve their fertility and for couples trying to conceive. Smoking cessation interventions, including behavioral support and, if necessary, pharmacological treatments, should be considered to optimize the chances of reproductive success and ensure a healthy pregnancy. Consulting a healthcare professional for personalized support in the cessation process can also provide tailored strategies for overcoming nicotine dependence and its impact on fertility.


Age is a determining factor in fertility for both men and women, although its effects are more pronounced and better documented in women. As women age, oocyte quality and quantity decline, a phenomenon that accelerates significantly after the age of 35, leading to a decline in fertility and an increased risk of genetic complications such as chromosomal abnormalities. This decline in fertility is due to a decrease in ovarian reserve and an increase in the incidence of ovulatory disorders, which can affect the ability to conceive naturally.

Chez les hommes, bien que la capacité à produire des spermatozoïdes persiste généralement avec l’âge, des études indiquent une détérioration de la qualité du sperme, y compris une réduction de la mobilité des spermatozoïdes, une diminution du volume éjaculatoire, et une augmentation des dommages à l’ADN des spermatozoïdes. Ces changements peuvent réduire la male fertility et augmenter les risques de problèmes de santé chez la progéniture.

Taking age into account is therefore crucial in family planning and infertility management. For couples experiencing difficulties conceiving, particularly those where the woman is aged 35 or over, early fertility assessment and exploration of assisted reproduction options may be indicated to optimize the chances of a successful pregnancy


Psychological stress is recognized as a factor negatively influencing fertility in both men and women, by interfering with the underlying hormonal and physiological mechanisms of reproduction. Chronic stress states can lead to imbalances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, resulting in disturbances in the production and regulation of sex hormones such as GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), gonadotropins (LH and FSH), estrogen and progesterone in women, and testosterone in men. These hormonal disturbances can result in irregular or absent ovulation, impact on sperm quality and viability, and potentially contribute to reduced libido

In addition, stress can affect fertility indirectly through negative adaptive behaviors such as increased smoking, alcohol or drug use, as well as changes in body weight. These behaviors can exacerbate the deleterious effects of stress on fertility.

Interventions aimed at reducing stress, such as behavioral therapy, relaxation, yoga or meditation, have shown promising results in improving fertility rates. Engaging in these stress-reduction practices, along with appropriate medical and psychological management, can promote hormonal balance and improve chances of conception

The weight

The impact of weight on fertility is an area of growing interest in medical research, due to its substantial influence on the male and female reproductive systems. Adiposity, as measured by body mass index (BMI), affects fertility through a variety of physiological and hormonal mechanisms. In women, a BMI significantly above or below normal can disrupt hormonal balance, particularly levels of leptin, insulin and sex hormones, leading to menstrual irregularities and anovulation. The condition of obesity is often associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common cause of female infertility, characterized by hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, leading to an imbalance of sex hormones.

On the male side, a high BMI has been linked to lower sperm quality, particularly in terms of sperm concentration, motility and morphology, possibly due to impaired thermoregulation and the hormonal impact associated with excess adipose tissue. Moreover, obesity in men is frequently associated with reduced testosterone levels and increased estrogen, exacerbating fertility problems

The mechanisms by which weight influences fertility include changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis function, altered endometrial quality and increased systemic inflammation. Weight management through a balanced diet and regular physical activity can have significant beneficial effects on fertility. Weight loss in overweight or obese individuals is frequently recommended as a first-line intervention to improve conception rates and pregnancy outcomes.

The impact of lifestyle on fertility

In addition to vitamins and minerals, lifestyle plays a crucial role in fertility. Certain day-to-day adjustments can improve your chances of conceiving, while contributing to your general well-being. Here are a few recommendations:

Moderate physical exercise

Regular, but not excessive, physical activity promotes better blood circulation and can help regulate hormones. Exercises such as yoga or walking are particularly beneficial

Stress management

Chronic stress can have a negative impact on fertility. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga or even creative hobbies can help reduce stress levels.

Quality sleep

Insufficient or poor-quality sleep can disrupt hormonal balance. So it's important to aim for 7 to 9 hours' sleep a night and maintain a regular sleep routine

Avoid toxic substances

In addition to smoking and alcohol, it's advisable to avoid exposure to harmful chemicals, including certain plastics and pesticides, which can affect fertility.

Medical follow-up

For couples having difficulty conceiving, a fertility check-up can identify any underlying problems. Sometimes, a simple correction may be enough to solve the problem


Ultimately, although vitamins and other nutrients can support female fertilityHowever, they do not guarantee rapid conception. It's important to take into account all the factors that can influence fertility and adopt a healthy lifestyle to maximize your chances of getting pregnant quickly.



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